my head cannons and Q/A

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Thank you for more questions and requests. I'm glad you guys ask them and if anything I can answer them within each chapter before/after the chapter as long as they aren't spoilers. I.e. who will (y/n) end up with or will she stay or leave, that I won't answer.

And for the head cannons; I honest to God, never ever EVER, did this, ever, for any series or characters, at all. Have I seen them, yes; have I actually go through them, barely to never. However I know a few may be curious on my own so I'll try my best to answer them. If they are requested for more I can whip another up, but I'll focus solely on MK. Mei, Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Red Son, and Monkey King.

If you like them, I'll add on with other characters or make additional to the previously mentioned group.

Now to the real raw peach you're all here for.

Head Cannons:


1. He has action figures of the group Journey to the West.

2. He talks in his sleep if he talks in his dreams.

3. He was born year of the Monkey.

4. He met Mei before he worked at Pigsy's.

5. MK use to watch a lot of Kung-fu movies and use to reenact the fighting scenes but almost always break something when getting carried away.

6. MK has a distant relationship with his family.

7. MK had a been scarred as a kid with his fear of spiders.

8. He had always looked up to Pigsy as a father figured and got crazy excited when Tang came in and began talking about the Monkey King and all of his adventures.

9. He fan-boy crazy hard after the fight with the Bull Demon King about meeting the Monkey King.

10. For a good while during their random meet ups, encounters or training, MK has a small list of questions he been wondering forever only for Monkey King to answer or half answers to. Possibly to annoy MK with or not tell him too much yet.


1. She loved speed from going down a super steep hillside.

2. She met MK by running him over while on her way to an arcade.

3. Mei built her bike herself since she wanted it exactly in her design

4. Mei doesn't see the whole Monkey King that big of a deal aside when they needed him when DBK came back since she is a descendant of the Jade Dragons/ Bai Long Ma.

5. Online gamer and will stream some of her game play.

6. She occasionally have to be formal and help represent her family when her parent's need her for important events but would still try and slip away one way or another.

7. She enjoys any kind of game as long as she gets to play with someone.

8. She loves dogs and cats and always wanted one but her parent's wouldn't allow it.

9. She has unlocked her powers but haven't reached anywhere close to her full potential.

10. MK was her first, true, friend who just saw Mei as Mei and is glad that she accidentally ran him over.


1. Sandy fell for Moi first after his therapist suggested therapy cats.

2. Sandy couldn't pick who to adopts when looking for 1 or 2 and decided to get them all.

3. Sandy sent out many apology cards to all the people he wronged or has beaten up in the past.

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