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Today's the day I said I was gonna post the double chapter...the first is a bit started at most let a lone 2 chapters...I'M DO SORRY!

Quick context of my life; I worked in my grocery store bakery for over 2 years and gained an extensive amount of knowledge so they rely on me for a lot of the work, especially when coworkers are gone, even for a week.
So I had to do 6 straight days of work then come home, eat, maybe run and crashed before continuing again. I been terribly exhausted and no personal time until today to do any writing and I'll be gone for the whole day, spending it with my best friend and boyfriend. When I get home, I'll have to go to bed to be up by 4AM to open the bakery.

Now I'll be spending the next few nights at my bf but since we work together and hard to get out st the same time, ill be spending the next 5-6 hours at work, in the break room, writing up the rest of the chapters while listening to BTS of their 8 year anniversary of debut!

So I promise it's in the works...but there's another thing. I'll need to go on another hiatus until after July.

I'm a huge geek, the anime, video games, cosplays, the works. And my ONLY con I go to will be at the end of the month in July and I need a lot of work on my cosplays and panel games.

So until then, if you guys want me to do something different where I can spend short times on, like one shots or  more Q&A, by all means, I would love to continue! My only worry is when I'm away from a hobby, ill drop it and I really like my story but if I don't come back to it, this is all we would get, believe me on that.

I wanted to give you all a quick idea of my past week and lifestyle. I really hope you have a great day and thank you to whoever wish me a happy birthday. I'm now 26! Laugh it off, an adult writing fanfic of a kids show, I know, I know!

Anyways, ill see you all in the next chapter! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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