Chapter 3

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A/N: I'm surprised how fast the views and votes came in. It hasn't been a month and it blew up faster than anything else I written. So thank you so much for all of the support! Without further ado...


Reader's P.O.V.

"This is impossible." claimed Princess Iron fan, looking between the two of us. Her husband, Demon Bull King leered at us. And I don't blame them; they said the monkey king staff. As in Sun Wukong's staff; the Compliant gold-rimmed staff, aka 17,550 LB STICK! There should be no way for me or this kid who is just as shocked, to move or lift the staff! Only if you are that strong or worthy! And I'm not Captain America and that isn't Mjölnir.

Climbing to my feet and readjust my backpack onto both arms; feeling like I should be ready for an escape, I stepped closer to the Noodle kid- guy as my only protection I have. "Grah! I don't know what's going on here, but I'm going to end it!" Red Son, now knowing his name, declared before getting ready for another fire fist! "That staff is mine!" Some of the army jumped from behind, adding an ominous look with the threat of his words and the intimidation of the Bull Demon King ready to end us too. 

"I'm supposed to be on my break!" The delivery boy shouted, swinging a staff, almost on instinct, sending a golden ring of power out to the enemy. As it collided with them all, they were shot back from the raw power. The only one not as effected by it was Demon Bull King, who only had been blinded slightly by the intense glow. "This can't be." before bending down into a defensive pose to avoid the flying robots and his son. His son landed between the King and the princess. Princess Ironfan turned around with a death glare, leaving the guy speechless.

"Uh...That was way more explosive than I expected." he admitted, just as shock as the people he hit with it. Princess Ironfan made her weapon appear and slammed the butt end of her iron fan down on the ground, almost in a challenging move. It freaked the guy out so much, fumbling with the staff. He immediately started to swing the staff randomly in every direction, nearly knocking me out with it. "Stay back, I don't how I'm doing this stuff!" He exclaimed.

"Dude, calm down, you have the OP of OP weapons! Look at what you already can do!" I held the staff from behind him, giving him a better hold on it while watching what Ironfan may do.

"If you think it's that simple, then you do it then!" He called, shoving it into one hand and try to step back.

"Hey, no! You already swung it and did damage, it's responding to you! You know how to use it, not me!" I argued back before shoving it into his yellow hands and holding it to make sure he doesn't shove it back.

"That staff doesn't belong to you, children. Hand it over." She demanded, almost like she is about to follow through on her threat. The guy held it to his face, against his cheek and thought before letting out his drawled out answer, "Mmmmmnnnnnooo?" he phrased it like it was a question. Before the staff began to feel weird only for it to wobble around. It proceed to tuck into the ground firmly. "Ok, I didn't even move that-"suddenly the guy's head crushed down on mine an we were both brought down by the staff before it shot us off up into the air, even twirling us a we had a sudden iron grip on the staff! 

I moved randomly as it aimed us up into the hole in the ceiling above us, effectively free us from that situation. "What is with this crazy thing?!" I screamed over the wind. It never did anything this random from the stories and even the movies or games! This thing moved around like a worm or a lively, wiggling snake! We eventually made it to an abandoned construction site under ground, covered in road blockers, construction equipment and random beams placed around. There was a temporary elevator dead which we were squished in like sardines in a can. "Dude! Get off me!" I groaned out, trying to moved from him sandwiching me in this can.

Familiar Tales, New AdventuresOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora