The end of the world

Start from the beginning

After a while, I felt hungry so I went to the kitchen and prepared something to eat, ramen, for me and Elliot.

"Elliot!" I called. There was no answer so I repeated myself. Again, no answer.

Where the hell is he?

I turned off the stove and made my way to his room. Opening the door, I realized he wasn't there.

I swear if this is one of his little pranks.

"Elliot? I made ramen? I'll eat it all if you keep hiding." Still no answer.


I was starting to get worried.

Maybe he's at Amelia's.

I swallowed hard and hurried to my room and grabbed my phone. I dialled my mom's number. It rang for a few seconds then she picked up.

"Hey honey. What's up?"

"Elliots not in his room." my voice came out kind of shaky.

"He's not?"


"Are his shoes by the door?" I went over to check. There weren't. Why hasn't I noticed earlier?


"Well, he's not at Amelia's, I was just talking to her mom."

"Then where is he?"

"I'm sure he's out at the park or something."

"With who?" she didn't answer for a second as she was thinking about where he could be.

"I'll be home in fifteen minutes."

"Okay bye." I ended the call. I began pacing back in forth in my kitchen.

Where could he be?

It was very abnormal for him to do this. He usually stayed home or went over to Amelia's house.

But he was at neither.

And the worst thing was that I was out with Ace while he could've been in trouble.

Thousands of possibilities of what could of happened to him flooded my mind. Memories of that day crowded my thoughts.


He's okay. He has to be.

I quickly dialled Ace's number, he immediately picked up.


"Listen I'm really sorry that I'm bothering you right now-"

"You're not bothering me. What's wrong?" he said.

"Elliot is missing."


"He's missing. He's gone. I don't know where he fucking is. He's not in his room." the stress took over, I was anxious.

"Amelia's not at home either, I'll be there in ten." he hung up. That's when I started to really feel panicked.

Him and Amelia were both missing. What if something terrible occurred. What if they got lost somewhere? What if someone took them?

I took in a deep breath and exhaled, attempting to calm myself by remembering when Ace did this with me.

This time, I didn't feel better.

I couldn't shake away the horrible thoughts. They just wouldn't go away.

The sound of the front door opening then closing snapped me out of it. I instantly rushed over there and that sense of hope in my chest that it was my brother deflated.

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