Picture perfect

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After that sappy conversation we had earlier, the car ran out of gas.

Ace pulled up to the nearest gas station and parked the car. We got out. While he went to fill up the gas tank, I told him I wanted to get something to eat since I hadn't eaten breakfast.

He gave me a twenty dollar bill and when I refused, he gave me that look.

"You can't always pay for me." I said.

"Yes I can."

"I don't need you to. I have my own money, you know." his lips formed into a smirk.

"Do you really?" I frowned and went to grab my wallet from my bag to show him that I did. But it wasn't there. I gasped.

I forgot it at home.

"Just take my money, Harper." I sighed and took it from him.

"Thank you." he nodded.

I went inside the convienne store and headed to the kiosk that had pasties and smoothies. I chose two smoothies and two boxes of cinnamon rolls.

I paid and walked back to the car. Ace was leaning against the hood with his shades on.

I handed him the food I got. I knew that he probably didn't eat either. He seemed surprised.

"You got something for me?"

"Come on. I'm not that bad." he chuckled and opened the door for me. I got in. He drove off again.

I took a sip of my smoothie but since he was driving it was hard to eat the cinnamon bun.

"We should pull over somewhere and eat." I suggested.

"Do you have a place in mind?" I nodded and told him the place.

A while back I found this really nice field by the river with lots of flowers and there was a huge tree that you could climb up and sit on. The branches were huge and sturdy.

I remember going there a lot as a kid.

I turned on the radio and plugged in my phone to the aux cord. I selected my favourite playlist and pressed play. Sofia by Clairo started playing.

I hummed the lyrics then that turned into full on singing and he just listened.

I could tell he liked the song.

Man of taste.

When we arrived to the spot, only then did I realize that I didn't give him directions. Which is strange because it's a hard place to find.

I didn't question him though as he seemed to be in a pensive state of mind.

We got out and he took out a picnic blanket from the trunk and I grabbed our food and my bag and led him over to my spot.

He set the blanket down and I put our food on that. It looked so aesthetic and I needed to take a picture.

I pulled out my phone and snapped a few photos while he watched me. Then I got an idea.

"Take a picture of me!" he grabbed my phone and took a lot of them.

"Wait do you want to be in one?" he nodded and fixed his hair.

I kissed his cheek for the first one and he had a small smirk while he looked at me for he first one, I wrapped my arms around him for the second and for the last one I smiled and he just stared down at me with a ghost smile on his beautiful face.

They turned out really well.

I put my phone away and opened the box of cinnamon rolls.

I felt his stare on me and met his gaze.

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