XXVI. The Ghost Stroking His Hair

Start from the beginning

"You're trying to save your mother and be the hero of this story, but I can see it in your eyes, you're scared. You can't be the hero, because you're not ready to die like one. If you try to play the role you're not supposed to play, you'll just end up becoming a villain. Stop trying to play the hero and take the help you're getting offered", Tommy spoke in a threatening matter as he took steps closer to the older male, who stood frozen, in shock after the younger's words.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Tommy asked, tilting his head. "If you try to be a hero, you have to die like one", he added with a dangerous tone in his voice.

"I think he got it now", Katelyn hummed and placed her hands on Tommy's shoulders, pulling the younger blonde away from the older. A smug smirk laid on her lips as she watched Garroth's shocked expression.

"Let's wait for Aphmau and then go, right?" Katelyn tilted her head, knowing she had already won the battle.

Garroth hesitated, but he had to nod in agreement. He hadn't expected Tommy to fight him back like that.

Tommy leaned back against the wall, to unnoticeably hide from the sunlight that was hurting him. He needed the shadows and that was all he needed. The shadows were the only thing keeping him sane in the situation he has gotten himself into.

His eyes shifted to Garroth and Katelyn, who were standing in front of him, waiting for Aphmau to arrive.

His head was hurting a bit from the sunlight, but he tried to ignore it the best he could. He really wanted to just lean into the shadows and let them take him.

"She doesn't seem to arrive", Garroth grumbled, earning a cold glare from Katelyn. "Well, she's coming soon, be patient!" She snapped.

Tommy frowned and pushed himself away from the wall, staring to walk towards Phoenix. "I'll go check out if she's on her way", he groaned as he passed the two others.

Once he had gotten further away from the two others, he fell on his knees in the shadows as a burst of blood fell from his mouth on the grass beneath him. The whole world was spinning and his ears were ringing.

The blood felt warm and sticky against his cheek. He had no idea what was going on, but he didn't know if he could get up.

Someone was stroking their fingers through his hair. He had no idea who it was, but there was a cold aura surrounding them. They weren't alive. There was a ghost stroking his hair.

"She should have just listened to me, look at what you've become because she was an idiot", to him an unknown voice sighed.

He tried to look at the person sitting next to him, but he couldn't tilt his head enough to see anything else than black cloth. He wanted to know who was there with him.

"You're so close to leaving, and in your situation I can't do anything. You have made a deal with the darkness. I shouldn't have ever trusted that woman, who chose herself over her family", the ghost stroking his hair continued. Their tone was soft, but they sounded disappointed as they spoke of this woman.

Tommy wanted to get up, but he couldn't feel his body. Everything around him was dark, but he didn't care, because he liked the darkness.

"I would prefer it if you'd leave my son alone", a familiar voice stated, Tommy knew that poisonous voice belonged to Unknown.

"Charlene, why can't you just leave this poor boy alone? He's situation is the result of Clara's terrible behaviour, you shouldn't put the blame on him", the person behind Tommy sang. Their voice was way more softer and warmer than Unknown's. One thing confused him, they had called Unknown by the name Charlene.

"There's no way I'm leaving him anymore. He is now one of the Moon's children. He made the choice by himself. He signed the contract and is going to pay the price", Unknown hummed without even a sign of pity in her voice.

"I guess there isn't anything I can say to that", the other answers. Unlike Unknown, their voice had pity in it.

"If I was you, I would leave him alone. Theseus is not your son. Out of the four boys, Xelqua is yours. You blessed him with immortality. You gave Xelqua everything. When Wilbur and Techno came, you knew that Clara was changing and didn't give the twins anything. They remain as Clara and Phil's own choices. Theseus however, he's mine. I cursed him before he was even born. If you want to play with someone, go find Xelqua, but stay away from my Theseus", Unknown spoke. The words were dripping from her lips like poisoned honey.

"I don't like the way you speak of them like they were just puppets in strings. They're humans, just like you and I once were", the other warned.

"Just humans you say? Well, humans don't have powers like Xelqua and Theseus. You know that Kristin. You know what's it like to be a God's favourite", Unknown snapped. Her voice wasn't louder than a whisper and there was something that Tommy couldn't understand in it. There was something hiding behind her words, but he didn't know what it was.

"You have chosen the path of darkness, Charlene. I can't do anything to help you anymore", the other, apparently Kristin, whispered.

Suddenly the scene changed out of the darkness and Tommy was back in Phoenix Drop, laying next to the path. There was dry blood in front of him, but he ignored it and licked the blood from his lips. He didn't want anyone finding out that he had vomited blood.

He managed to stand up and backed away to the shadows. He then hurried back to the gates while hiding in the shadows, only to find out that Aphmau wasn't there yet.

As he returned back to the light where he had passed out, he noticed that Aphmau was walking towards the gates, but luckily hadn't noticed him yet.

"Mum!" He called out and hurried to the raven haired woman, who immediately spun to look towards him.

"Tommy? Shouldn't you be waiting by the gates?" She asked, tilting her head. "I went looking for you. Katelyn and Garroth are already waiting over there though", Tommy explained.

"Let's hurry then, I don't want to keep them waiting", Aphmau decided and took Tommy's hand. Tommy didn't mind the action at all, he squeezed her hand and began pulling her after him.

As he held his mother's hand, he forgot about all the shadows that were reaching for him. He didn't notice how the woman, whose hand he was holding-hands with seemed to be the one keeping his demons away.

Words: 1843

(Why can't I listen to Dream's Mask anymore with having the sus lyrics playing in my head?)

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