I will kill you

802 21 17

A nightmare became a reality.

Just like the dream, Denshi found himself running into the fray with so many sorcerers he knew were littered on the floor, dead.

He motioned Mai to be at his side when they walk through a destructive subway and the thing he sees is little Nitta crouched over a body. He seemed to be analyzing it before he turned tail at them. He looked alerted at first but sighed out of relief to see the second years.

"Mai! Denshi, you guys are here! So that means-"

"Yes, reinforcements have arrived." Denshi takes a step forward, "Is this..

Nobara Kugisaki?"

One of her eyes was gone and she stood there with blood seeping out of the empty socket.

"Oh god," Mai closed her mouth, "Who did this to her?" Mai may have had her rivalry with the girl but she never deserved something like this. She watched Denshi kneel next to Nitta and his fingers crawled up her throat, feeling any pulse to her.

"Her breathing is faint." He concluded and once he did, he settled the spear to the side and blue light glowed from his hands. He picked up Nobara and with his healing abilities, he manages to scan his blue light over the socket.

"I stopped the bleeding," Nitta explained, "But inactivating my power can surely get her killed."

"Which is why I'm going to heal her a bit. It won't fully restore her eye but it'll make the death rate slimmer once you release that technique of yours. For now, take her to Shoko. Mai and I are going to move on."

"Sounds good. Please, both of you be careful! Todo and Yuji were fighting a curse spirit nearby but they haven't came back yet.."

"Okay, we'll go check up on them. Mai, let's go!"

"Right." Mai upgraded her revolver to a sniper. To Denshi, it made him receive some sort of relieve that she will be fighting at a long-distance. God knows he couldn't lose another loved one.

Denshi ran with a purpose. When he saw a silhouette described to look as Getou Suguru, something inside of him turned provoked. Even more so when he saw an injured Yuji, collapsed on the floor and drenched in blood.

"Senpai, stay back!" Denshi doesn't listen to Yuji and continues to charge straight at the enemy. Mai follows his moves from afar and readies her gun, her scope drifting over to the enemy. Denshi breaks the blood binds and continues to run. Once he was close to Yuji, he scooped the boy in his arms and took him away further. Yuji groaned from the injuries he succumbed as Denshi patted him in the back,

"It'll be okay, Yuji. Me and the rest of the Kyoto students are here. You don't have to fight anymore."

"T-Todo..Nanamin..Kugisaki..they're all-"

"No, don't say that! Kugisaki will be okay, Yuji and Todo..well, Todo's always been so strong. He'd never let this kill him. Trust me, Yuji.."

"S-Senpai.." Yuji croaked out with tears sprinkling out of his eyes. He felt useless. When he saw Denshi head straight for the danger, the pink hair boy screamed on the top of his lungs. Begging the second-year to run away but he didn't listen.

"Ah, more victims." He had another white haired shaman on his side. Though, he could not tell if he was a boy or girl. Getou was impressed by Denshi's speed as he was able to dodge all the blood bullets thrown at him. He ducked and slammed his spear right at him only to be with a block of ice. The ice starts to spread and Denshi flips away from it. His blood was boiling. Seeing Yuji cry, seeing Miwa cry.

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