She's My Type

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It's not long till Denshi propels the third year with a fist of reinforced energy. Kamo staggers a bit but manages to land on his feet after being thrown miles away.

He draws his bow before releasing countless arrows that are shooting towards him. Den takes a breath before swinging his spear against them.

It was like a dance.

He swings his spear so effortlessly and twirls around before cutting down the arrows before it touches him. He moves like water.

He spins to dodge and jumps mid air over them with ease before running towards him at full speed and the two clash with each other.

Kamo smirks before pushing back with force and throwing his bow towards him. Den quickly dodges it but eyes go wide when Kamo comes at him with his palms, one of them hitting him at the side so hard, he disarms his weapon.

He goes after him fast and doesn't let Denshi get his spear from the floor. But the brown hair boy wasn't defenseless as he blocked Kamo's punch with his forearms and then he fought back with his martial arts.

The sounds of their breaths and grunts are only heard on the field as the group watches the two throw punches and blocks every blow from one another.

Momo hovers over them, watching them closely and seeing them at a tie right now.

Miwa looks at Mechmaru, whispering to him.

"Woah..Denshi is actually pretty good."

"He is, but can he beat Kamo?" 

"Aw, don't say that! We should be rooting for him, no!?" She said moving her arms around.

Mechmaru stutters from her outburst,

"I-I just meant with Kamo's blood technique, he might be at odds with him."

But the blue girl can't help but agree with that a bit.

'How is Den-kun going to handle his technique?'

Even Mai admits to herself that Denshi was a good fighter, unexpected from a person who comes from a family of healers.

She shakes her head, unsure why she's gotten nervous over him getting hurt. She crosses her arms and grimaces to herself.

'Why do I care about this guy all of a sudden?'

Kamo speaks with a display of pleasure coming from his lips,

"You fight well for a Fujiki," He says amid their fight. But then, one of his eyes crack open and red scales start forming around it.

"But not enough to fight what I have up in my sleeve. It's an innate technique I've inherited so strong, you won't be able to handle it!"

The other boy gasps and starts to retreat and runs to retrieve his spear before he summons his blood packs.

They float midair and forge into a net before swinging at the Fujiki boy. He's in the nick of the time, grabbing his spear and cutting through the blood.. he thought.

The net didn't cut in half but instead, wrapped itself over his weapon. It suspended its movements and Denshi's weapon couldn't budge from its stillness.

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