The Forest Of Death.... Then Me. Which Is Scarier?

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My sand eye was watching the whole time. When I had realized that Minako wasn't with us, I had thought maybe she hadn't passed, but when I saw her brother, (I found this out from a reliable source) I had known that she wasn't there for another reason. So I had sent my eye to observe.

I found her talking to Ibiki.

Let me just say it dropped quite a few bombs.

But all it made me wonder was, WHO IS MINAKO ABURAME?

Before we had the second exam, some little kids wanted to interview us.

I did not take part. But Minako volunteered herself happily. The kids asked them all about who they are, what expectations they have, and I listened closely to Minako's answers.

They were beyond normal. It was like she was trying to be a plain Jane. Which to me was just as suspicious. I didn't have any way to get information on her.

Until I thought: What about her brother? He must know many things about her.

My target was clear: Capture Shino Aburame.


I had been pretty normal talking to the kids. I had stupid answers that any preteen girl would have, and I think it was a mistake.

I ain't the brightest tool in the shed [1], but I do know that when you bring no suspicion to yourself, you are automatically more suspicious!

I know most of everything I do because of experience.

When the proctor- I still didn't know her name?- told us we could go, out from the gates, and into the forest, I was happy I could finally get some action.


Akamaru had a bad feeling.

I knew it was Gaara.

The idiot was letting waves of blood lust fly everywhere. I almost wanted to beat the crap out of him, but alas, I had to stay in character.

Probably the worst part of hiding who you are is hiding your strength.

Especially when you want to use it to do a Chuck Norris kick on someone. I think you can guess who that 'someone' is.


My team sat behind the bush in fear and awe as they saw Gaara put an end to a poor ninjas life.

I knew this was a test, but the fact he could so easily kill someone, i just didn't want to see it anymore. I couldn't bear to see him do such a thing. Despite everything, I jump out from my hiding place in the bushes, and march over, and he whips his head around, getting ready to end yet another person's life if so needed.

But I was so ready.

I slapped him hard across the face, so much so, that the cheek looked as red as his hair.

His eyes grew wide in fury, and I heard Shino, Hinata's and Kiba's gasps behind me.

"What the hell was that for!? Do you have a death wish?" He spatted at me.

I was mad, and I shook with that emotion.

"I didn't like it..." I whispered, my bangs covering my eyes. Gaara stared more intently, as though maybe he didn't hear me right.

"What did you say?" He asked, generally curious.

"I said I didn't like it," I said louder, looking into his eyes, "The way you killed that ninja." I could tell he saw the hardness in my eyes, and I didn't dare look away.

I wasn't going to falter.

"This is a test." He sneered right back at me.

"I know this is a test, but the way you killed him so easily, I just couldn't stand it." My eyes kept looking straight into his, and inside, I saw his life. Not what happened, but what he has felt.

His face was open, not closing me off, and without realizing it, I reached up to touch his face.

"You've suffered, haven't you? You don't feel loved... Nor human."  Despite my sympathetic voice, I could tell me revealing his inner feelings scared him. He slapped away my hand, and I backed away.

I had gone too far.

This is what Uragiri wanted. And I sure as hell didn't want to give it to him.

I turned away my face in shame. "I'm sorry..." I whispered. 

He grabbed my hands, roughly, and shook me, yelling, "Who ARE you?!" I have had years of hearing people shout at me, but nothing had struck me so hard as right then. The desperateness, and fear in his voice scared me.

"If I said, you'd change..." I looked at the ground, to avoid his eyes.

Those eyes that had stared at me with innocence that I had forgotten.

Had stared at me from his first moment of life.

"FORGET IT! I don't care if it'll change me, I don't care if it'll change how I look at people, I JUST WANT TO KNOW!" He screamed at my face.

I made a hand sign, and whispered, "Sorry..." As I bumped his forehead, and he crumpled. I walked back to my group, where even Shino was gaping at me, and I knew I had failed.

Because he was here, he was blowing my cover.

I was being such an idiot. I have all of the cards in my hand, yet not only do I not play them, but I act as if I don't even know they're there.

In silence, I started to walk the direction I was facing, when a swoosh rang out.

A recently unconscious Gaara was entrapping my brother. And as I saw the sand enclose around him, bugs and all, a shrill echoed.



Hello!! I'm glad that I got this out!



I hate penguins....

[1] Minako uses the wrong phrase here, where she should have said sharpest tool in the shed.

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