Chapter 27: Only one

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We sat down before the others got there with Jason sitting on the right of me and Annabeth on the left.

We continued our conversation, even when the others finally joined us. They looked confused not only by the arrival of someone new but the way Jason was being so friendly to her.

They took their seats hesitantly and watched the interaction between the other trio.

It took a while but eventually Tim asked "Sooooo, who's the new girl?" 

I answered this time "Oh, that's Annabeth."

Jason looked smugly at the others, it was kinda funny how angry Damien looked just from seeing Jason's smug face.

I was gonna say that she was my girlfriend but Jason clamped his hand over my mouth.

"They're really good friends, Annabeth'll be staying over for a while since her family is out of town for a while."

I decided to go with it and nod.

Annabeth caught on and gave them a friendly smile as well as a wave.

I noticed that Tim was looking at Annabeth in a strange way and that was when I remembered that he knows she got kidnapped, and was seen kissing Riptide, of which he doesn't know is me. This is going to cause some issues.

I zoned out for a second thinking about last night. I had decided that I wanted to tell them everything. Not just the hero thing but EVERYTHING.

"You'll have to excuse me, I've gotta use the restroom." I walked off leaving a confused Annabeth and a boasting Jason.

As I walked through the manor I thought of how I would ask the Gods. Maybe try and guilt them? Nah they're heartless beings.

I pondered this until I got into the bathroom, I decided to just go with the flow and see what would happen.

"Oh fleecy, do me a solid and show me Zeus on mount Olympus." The mist turned into a scene of a bunch of people on thrones. I could hear Hera yelling in the background and the look of annoyance on Zeus's face made me want to laugh so badly but I held it in.

I coughed into my hand to see if that would bring their attention to me.

Zeus's head swiveled in my direction so fast that I thought someone had punched him in the face.

"Persephone" His voice was cold but I could tell he was trying to regain any control over the situation that he'd lost. I decided to excuse the use of my full name, taking the lessons from Bruce to be polite to heart.

"Zeus" I responded just as coldly.

"For what reason am I talking to you now?" His brows were furrowed making his eyes look like raging storms.

"I would like to ask one thing of you all, I would like to be able to tell my mortal family of my background. My special background." I tried to look as confident as possible, hiding the fear that they may say no.

Zeus paused, emotions seemed to fly by on his face, almost like he was deciding what clothes to wear that day.

"I will have to discuss this with the other Olympians, I will alert Chiron of our decision" He then ended the call leaving me in the silence of the bathroom besides from the water from the faucet that was still running.

I sighed and scratched the back of my neck.

If they said no then that would make telling Bruce about my powers infinitely harder. I decided sitting in the bathroom for a while wouldn't hurt anything so I sat there for who knows how long just running the water between my fingers occasionally making shapes out of it.

I was brought out of my moment of silence by a knock at the door.

"Hey Percy, everything okay in there?" It was Tim.

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm good, just got sidetracked." I hid the emotion in my voice instead replacing it with reassurance.

I turned off the faucet and exited the bathroom. I came face to face with Tim who looked like he had something he wanted to ask me.

"Percy, how exactly do you know Annabeth?" His voice said this was a simple question but his posture said he had an ulterior motive.

"Oh, I've known her since I was twelve, we both went to the same camp, people said we were practically inseparable." I smiled remembering everyone at camp.

He nods. "And where has she been living before coming here?" His eyes bore into mine trying to search anything I said for lies.

"Oh well, we mainly stayed at camp over the summer and she lived in San Francisco for a while before coming here." All of this was technically true as she was now living in Gotham except it was with us.

"Okay." He didn't seem confident in what I had just told him but I just patted his shoulder and walked back to the dining room.

Annabeth had a content smile as she watched the boys fight, they were flinging food at each other and yelling.

I just took my place in my seat next to her and underneath the table I grabbed her hand.

We both watched the fight while taking occasional bites, smiles present on our faces, a feeling of being content filling me.

Everything was good.


1380 words

Side note: I write this in google docs first to help with my spelling and oml, the doc's currently at 111 pages.

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