S2 EP4: Trust

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(Y/n's POV)

I woke up from my few hour nap. I sat up and walked into the bathroom, I already knew what time it was telling by the alarm on my counter next to my bed. I walk into the bathroom, and rubbed my eyes. I changed into something more comfortable, because I was wearing some ripped jeans and a black shirt. I never really liked ripped jeans, but it was always one of the first things I found in my closet.

I changed into some sweat pants, and a hoodie I found on the ground, which I think was Bucky's. Speaking of Bucky- He wasn't in bed, and not in the bathroom either. After I finished cleaning up, I went to the closet, and looked for Bucky. My closet wasn't that huge, but Bucky could've still been in there. And he wasn't.

Instead of looking in his room or another room. Maybe even in the halls. I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I drank the water then walked into the living room. 

Tony- Yes, but whenever she-

Nat- Hey Y/n

Steve- You take a good nap?

Sam- You were asleep for like- *Counts fingers* Like Nine hours!

Y/n- Good for me.

Bucky- Did you sleep well?

Y/n- Yeah, Why'd you leave?

Bucky- Tony needed me

Sharon- Sorry love birds, but we need to move on.

Nat- Let's get her on the same page

Bruce- Well- There was a bomb near Washington, and somewhere near here.

Y/n- Why didn't you wake me up?

Bucky- It was to dangerous

Nat- You were still healing- It was a risk

Y/n- ...

Bucky- We would've but we couldn't

Bruce- Anyways- Wanda, and Vision were sent to Washington, and, Scott, Clint, and Thor went to the other bombing site

Y/n- Sh*t! You should've told me!

Bucky- Calm down-

Y/n- Look, I get I'm exaggerating, but I want to help. I don't want to feel like just the brains of the team

Tony- Hold on! First of all- I'm the brains of the team- Me and Bruce. And second, You are apart of our team, but if you want to help. Then stay here and don't go out!

Nat- He's trying to say he wants to protect you y/n...

Bucky- We are all

Y/n- Do you guys think I could've done it though?

Bruce- Better than anybody else

Sharon- I could've-

Y/n- I swear to god!-

Tony- Nat's right though. We do care about you. Maybe Sharon doesn't, but who cares you have all of us.

Sharon- Hmm- That's cute

Y/n- Stop- Just STOP

Bucky- *Laughs* Alright- Would you mind telling everyone later? Until they're all here

Y/n- Sure

Bruce- Great!

Y/n- Hey tony?

Tony- Yep?

Y/n- What happened to that party you threw?

Tony- Oh there was a bomb there and the whole room exploded with everyone in it- and then we all died, but came back to life.

Y/n- Huh?

Sharon- He's lying

Y/n- Yeah no sh*t sherlock

Tony- I played sherlock once. It was nice *Sighs* While it lasted

Y/n- Oh well then

Bucky- Can one of you guys come practice with me?

Sharon- I will!

Y/n- I want to, But you need someone in your league- Or Sharon

Bucky- Why can't you do it?

Y/n- I'm to powerful and plus, I'm still healing

Bucky- *Laughs* Fine

Sharon- I'm going to change Bucky- I'll be back

Bucky- Please don't

Nat- *Laughs* Weirdos

Bruce- Alright then

Y/n- Bye

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