Part 10: Theo jackson

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Thor- Y/n? Is that you?

Y/n- Yes it is, Thor, what happened?

Thor- it's a long story

Y/n- who are those people?

Thor- these are my fellow human being friends

Y/n- Ok, umm

Thor- Let her out, she's fine


*at the compound*

Thor- I have a few questions right now

y/n- I- I- I don't know what to say

thor- I do

y/n- ?

thor- Why did you leave asgard?

y/n- what do you mean? I left because you told me too!

thor- I did not

y/n- um yes you did

thor- when?

y/n- A few weeks after me being queen?

thor- Loki...

y/n- what- where is loki?

thor- we're not sure right now

y/n- Look, all I remember from that day was when you told me asgard was in danger and I had to leave

thor- Asgard was never in danger, After you left we looked for you for weeks, but never found hope.

y/n- So that was all fake?

thor- yes-

nat- we think it had something to do with... loki

tony- yeah, but we're not sure

Wanda- I think we should just ignore this for now, and maybe make her feel welcome

tony- I'm sure we can do that, y/n you can stay here for as long as you want

y/n- Thanks

tony- I have to go call sam, buck, and steve to come over

clint- Alright

bruce- Ok

*You introduce yourself to the others and show them your powers, they also introduce themselves too, and you what they can do*

*2 hours later, tony comes back with sam, bucky and steve*

Tony- Y/n! I want you to meet Steve, Sam, and bucky

y/n- Oh umm hey

steve- Hey

sam- Sup

bucky- Hi

tony- I got everyone's room ready by the way, so y/n if you want to stay-

y/n- Yeah, thanks

tony- No problem

steve- So y/n, Umm, do you have any powers?

y/n- Uh yeah

sam- well?

y/n- Oh um yeah ok *You show them your powers*

bucky- pretty cool

sam- bucky's got a metal arm

y/n- really? Cool

steve- I have a shield.

y/n- Cool

sam- Umm, well ok

y/n- later guys, I'm going to my room

*The next day at breakfast*

thor- so y/n how do you like it so far?

y/n- Oh yeah, it's awesome

bucky- Umm tony came in earlier and said he has someone coming in

y/n- Who is it?

nat- is it a girl?

wanda- we could really use a girl

tony- Nope!

clint- Hey tony

tony- Guys, I want you to meet theo jackson

*I'm posting a few new*

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