Part 23: Magic and potions

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(Y/n's POV)

Alright well that just happened, I kissed Bucky and I wasn't supposed to. Luckily Nat walked in right before we could even go farther, and we came down to the lab. I got down to the lad with Nat and Bucky by my side, and asked what was going on.

Y/n- What's going on?

Bruce Loki's awake and he won't negotiate

Thor- We haven't even tried anything yet

Tony- I know but- Thor told me you used to make potions with your mom or something?

Y/n- I did yeah, But that was a while ago

Wanda- I'm sure you can still make them

Steve- Yeah, you've got to at least try

Bucky- I agree. Try it and if it doesn't work well then, we'll try something else.

Y/n- Hmm, But I don't have the stuff

Thor- Couldn't you be able to create stuff with your powers?

Tony- Like a printer?

Sam- Or a 3D machine! Dude that would be cool

Y/n- I think I can, I'll try

Wanda- That's the spirit

Bucky- Um guys, Have any of you guys have seen Theo?

Nat- Oh god

Sam- I haven't seen him for like almost a week

Tony- He just disappeared without us knowing

Steve- I'll give him a call later

Nat- Good, I haven't seen him in so long

Y/n- He just- *Poof* Disappeared

Bucky- You know what this means right?

Y/n- He died?

Sam- He forgot?

Nat- He moved?

Tony- He doesn't like us?

Steve- Guys!

Wanda- He probably just had something to do

Bruce- Um guys! The potion.

Y/n- Right sorry!

*You make all the stuff you need with your powers*

Bruce- Ready whenever you are y/n

Bucky- This better work

Sam- Shh dude

Nat- Let her concentrate

I was nervous

I was scared

I was uncomfortable

I has no idea what I was doing. I tried this like once before, and I almost killed myself. I couldn't do it again. I tried the first time, but there wasn't any luck. I tried again and it was better this time. I tried the third time and it was successful!


Tony- Did she do it?

Bruce- I think so

Steve- Did you get it y/n?

Y/n- I think so

Wanda- Well what are we waiting for? Lets go!

I grabbed the potion and all of us walked towards Loki's cell. There he was, On the ground staring at the ceiling, Or the wall. I couldn't tell where his eyes were watching. I slowly walked towards the cell and tried to let everyone else know that they had to go so Loki wouldn't be suspicious.

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