Part 22: Don't be like that

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*Living room*

Tony- Like I was sayin-

Bruce- Umm tony?

Tony- Banner.

Bruce- Loki's awake, and he seems mad

Thor- Well, that means we got the right Loki

Nat- What other Loki could there be?

Steve- Ok, enough chatting, let's go

Sam- Yay

Bucky- I'll come in a bit

Wanda- Umm bucky?

Bucky- Yeah?

Wanda- Did you ever even talk to y/n?

Bucky- Yeah, I did. She didn't want to eat

Wanda- Oh, alright


Bruce- His vitals are normal, so that means he is alive

Tony- Yeah, thats great news

Thor- It's my brother

Nat- Hes killed 80 people in two days

Thor- ... He's adopted

Sam- Pfft, I knew that

Steve- Anyways, Can we see him?

Bruce- Yeah, Let's go

Bucky- You go do that, I'm going to check on y/n

Thor- Hmm, He seems to be having a thing with her

Sam- They hate each other

Wanda- So what?

Nat- Haters to lovers

Sam- what?

Nat- They go from haters to lovers, Duh

Bruce- He's in the cell

*They walk to the cell*

Loki- Hmm, there they are. Earth's mightest heros

Thor- And there he is, Earths worst mistake

Steve- Hmm?

Tony- That wasn't funny Thor...

Thor- Ok, then

Loki- What are you doing here? Here to make me miserable?

Nat- That, and more stuff

Wanda- We just want to ask you some questions

Steve- Answer them honestly-

Sam- Or we kill you

Tony- Dude!

Wanda- Oh my god-

Bruce- Can I actually talk to you guys?

Nat- Sure

*They walk back to the main lab*

Bruce- We need something for Loki so he doesn't lie to us, and if he did we would know.

Tony- Like, Like a um

Thor- A serum

Steve- Huh? What kind?

Thor- Truth Serum

Wanda- How will we make it?

Tony- Will we need anybody?

Thor- My mother taught it to y/n, But I'm not sure if she remembers

Nat- We have to try, I'll get y/n

Wanda- Alright

Tony- Be quick

Sam Alright. Let's keep an eye on Loki for now

Steve- Sounds like a plan

Sam- It is a plan.

*Bucky and y/n*

Bucky- *Knocks* Y/n?

Y/n- Yeah?

Bucky- Um, You alright?

Y/n- I'm fine

Bucky- Um, Loki's awake

Y/n- Cool

Bucky- I'm trying to say that, ...You should probably come to the lab

Y/n- uh yeah, I'll be there

*Bucky sits down next y/n*

Bucky- Are you sure your ok?

Y/n- Yeah, I already told you, I'm fine

Bucky- Did I do something?

Y/n- No

Bucky- Did something happen?

Y/n- No

Bucky- Something must've happened

Y/n- Nothing happened! Just leave me alone!

Bucky- I was just trying to help

*Bucky starts to walk away*

Y/n- wait! Ok, I'm sorry

Bucky- Are you going to tell me what's going?

Y/n- No...

Bucky- Then, I'll leave

Y/n- Come on! Don't be like that

Bucky- Then tell me what's going

Y/n- Why do you care? I thought you hated me

Bucky- I don't hate you, I just sometimes dislike you

Y/n- . . . I um- I just started to panic for some reason, And I guess I couldn't stop. I was pacing across the room, and I started to feel anxious, Then you walked in.

Bucky- But why are you upset now?

Y/n- I don't know. I'm just in a f*cked up place right now

Bucky- Things will get better, I know they will. 

Y/n- How do you know? You a wizard or somethin'?

Bucky- No, But um- I have been through a lot too, and they just will.

Y/n- Yeah, thanks. That totally cheered me up.

Bucky- *Laughs* You are not as bad as I thought you were

Y/n- Hmm.

Bucky- *Starts leaning in*

Y/n- *Leans in too*

*Bucky and y/n kiss*

*They start to makeout*

*Nat knocks on the door*

Nat- Y/n-

*Y/n pulls away from Bucky*

Y/n- Yeah?

Nat- Sorry I didn't know Bucky was in here

Y/n- oh, its fine. We were about to come down anyway

Bucky- Yeah, Um we're coming down

Nat- Ok, come down y/n. We need you

Y/n- Emergency?

Nat- Something like that

*They all go downstairs to the lab*

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