Part 28: Positive

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-Bucky comes back to the tower-

(Bucky's POV)

I came back to the tower from my therapy meeting. I was not noticing that everyone else wasn't here in the meeting room, or the kitchen. Until, I walked to the lab, I saw Nat, Tony, Steve and Bruce standing there staring at some paper. I asked what was going on, and where everybody else was. 

I wanted to ask where y/n was, but I knew they would start thinking that we did something. They told that everything was ok, and to go to Loki's cell to tell everyone else to come to the meeting room, while they called over some people.

I listened to what they said, and went over to the cell. I saw Loki sitting down against the wall of the cell, and then saw Y/n, Sam, Theo, and Thor. I tried getting their attention by maybe waving my hand, But they didn't notice.

Bucky- Hey guys...

Sam- Geez, Man where have you been?

Theo- Hey Bucky

Thor- Hello, Metal man

I got a good welcoming from everyone, except Y/n. She kept staring at Loki's cell ignoring me. She was chewing something, and throwing a bouncy ball up and down. I tried getting her attention too, then told everyone we needed to go to the meeting room, and leave Loki for a bit. 

Bucky- Tony needs us to go to the meeting room

Theo- Thanks for letting us know

Sam- What about Loki?

Thor- I'm sure we won't be long

Y/n- I'm stay here, Until you guys get back

Bucky- He actually needs everyone, Especially you

Y/n- Look Bucky, I kind of died like 10 minutes ago. And I don't feel like talking to people, and having to make a conversation with people. 

Sam- Can you just come? Its not hard, Use your legs to walk-


Bucky- Look, I'm sorry I left earlier. I was nervous because I didn't know what you were going to say

Y/n- Would you have stayed if you knew what I was going to say?

Bucky- Yes- Maybe, Depends on what you were going to say

Y/n- To be honest, I loved it! I hate you so much, That for some reason you made me feel that way, and now I can't get you out of my head

Bucky- What do you mean-

Theo- Guys! Tony needs us. Like NOW

Y/n- We're coming

Bucky- Can we at least talk later?

Y/n- Can't- I'm on Loki duty

Bucky- Someone else can do it!

Y/n- That's the thing. I want to do it

Bucky- Come on y/n... Please!

Y/n- Fine! Ugh, I'm going to kill myself-

Loki- Please do

Y/n- Shut up Loki! *Throws a empty can at him*

Bucky- Wait- How did the can go through the cell glass?

Y/n- Magic.

Loki- I'm sorry what

Y/n- Loki, I will hit you again, and this time I'll hit you with a table

Loki- You've made your point- We understand each other

Bucky- Let's just go

*Meeting room*

Tony- Alright everyone, So Wanda and Vision have came back

Wanda- It's nice seeing you guys again

Vision- I'm not very familiar with you

Y/n- I'm Y/n, Thor's sister

Vision- I'm Vision, I'm a robot, and I have no siblings

Y/n- Cool. Good for you?

Wanda- Vis-

Vis- Hmm?

Wanda mouths- Sit down

*Vision sits down*

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