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Jimin walked into the small diner with Arya on his hip, he greeted the hostess and asked for a height chair as she led him to a booth to wait for Yoongi. He smiled as he handed Arya her bottle that she squealed at and giggled as she banged it on the table to make noise 

"She really is adorable" Yoongi said as he slid into the booth across from Jimin 

"She already knows it too" he smiled "she's going to be trouble when she's older"

"Most kids are" he smiled as he watched her, the waiter came and brought them their drinks, giving them a few minutes to look over their menus before they ordered. They kept the conversation light until their food arrived. 

"I owe you an apology, I didn't mean to kiss Jungkook that day in the office. I was just..terrified that he'd been in an accident and relieved that he was alright" 

"You don't need to apologize. That's actually why I wanted to meet up today. Even before that happened, anyone could see you're still in love with him. It was..kind of selfish on my end to ask you out, I knew you still loved him, and I'm okay with that. We're friends and we work together. If there's a chance for the both of you to get back together and raise your child together as a family, I don't want to take that away from you and I don't want to lose the friendship we have" 

"Wow, that's.. I appreciate that a lot" Jimin looked down at his food as he pushed it around with his fork "We um, we decided to try. We're not together. But, we want to try and get back to what we had. I'm sorry" 

"Hey" Yoongi reached over and put his hand on top of Jimin's "Don't apologize, and don't be sorry. You have every right to do what makes you happy. If he's it for you, I not only respect that, but I'm happy for you too" 

"You're seriously the sweetest. Thank you Yoongi" 
He couldn't quite pinpoint all of the emotions swimming through his head, but the biggest was definitely gratitude. He was thankful to have a friend as understanding and compassionate as Yoongi. He was thankful that the two of them could be friends with no awkwardness surrounding them or guilt from either of them. 

He smiled wide as he watched Yoongi play and talk with Arya, he made her giggle and laugh as he tickled her and dangled her plastic keys in front of her. He could picture himself hanging out with Yoongi more frequently and watching Yoongi play with Arya. It made him smile fondly. 

Maybe Yoongi could be as close to him as Tae is. 

Well, not that close. That position is strictly for his TaeTae, his platonic soulmate that he can't live without. Speaking of, he knew he needed to call him as soon as he started driving home. He needed his advice and his love. 

"Hello my love, my super amazing and sexy bestest friend" 

Jimin giggled "hello my lovely love, my amazing, sexy, talented, sweet, and handsome bestest of all bestest best friend. How are you?"

"I'm alright, I'm tired. Your dad is an even bigger douchebag lately. But, whatever. What's up buttercup?" Arya squealed from the backseat "my princess! Hi baby! Aw uncle Tae misses you"

"Come over soon, kookie won't mind"

"I'll be there tonight then" 

"Sounds perfect" Jimin smiled as he kept his eyes on the road "I just had lunch with Yoongi to apologize"

"How did it go?"

"Surprisingly well. He said he was sorry, and he accepted my apology and wants to be friends. He said he's happy for me if kookie and I get back together which is why I'm calling. We slept together two weeks ago, and we-I agreed to try and get over everything that happened. Do you, do you think that's a good idea?" He nibbled his bottom lip as he turned the car and waited for his best friend to respond 

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