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Staying up to watch the sunrise and waking up at three in the afternoon were two things he had never done before. He was going through the rest of his day with a smile on his face, a dance in his step, and humming along to songs in his head as he traced his bottom lip with his finger. 

He was snapped out of a trance when Taehyung used his key to enter the apartment 

"Where were you!" Tae shouted "I came back from taking a piss and getting us drinks and you were gone! I've been calling and texting you ever since! I thought you were dead! Or kidnapped!!" 

"I'm sorry!" Jimin felt bad for scaring him "I left, I forgot to tell you, but TaeTae..listen..I had the best night of my life" he smiled dreamily, once Tae calmed down Jimin told him everything and Tae smiled wide 

"I'm happy for you Minnie" he hugged him tight "I'll forgive you for scaring the fuck out of me"

"Thank you" Jimin chuckled as he hugged his best friend tight. 

They spent the rest of their day together, but Jimin couldn't focus on anything other than the memory of Jungkook. He needed to see him again. 

"Alright Mrs Kwan, are you ready to hear the heartbeat?" He smiled, this was his favorite part of the job. Babies. He loves babies, he loves listening to heartbeats and memorizing the way the parents light up when they hear it, when they see their babies on the ultrasound, and even delivering babies and being the first to hold a newborn baby that has the potential to change the world. 

He rolled the doppler around the woman's round belly and smiled as he found the strong heartbeat and the woman broke out into a giant beautiful smile. 

Nothing was better than that. 

He took his gloves off, washed his hands, and stopped by the desk. 

"You have a patient in room three" Tae informed him without looking away from the computer 

"Got it" he smiled, he pulled his phone from his pocket and blushed 

Jungkook: when can I see you again? 

Jimin: when are you free? 

Jungkook: for you? Always. 

Jimin: don't say things like that, now I'm blushing at work

Jungkook: you're cute when you blush though 

His face was red and he had a wide smile on his face as he approached room three and pulled the file from the plastic bin outside the door, he knocked and entered as he read over the file 

"Hello, I'm doctor Park" he froze for a second as big brown doe eyes met his, he looked away and smiled at the young woman sitting next to Jungkook "Miss Kim" he extended his hand which she shook with a smile on her face 

"And Mister?"

"Jeon" Jungkook responded breathlessly as he shook his hand 

"Lovely meeting you both" he smiled wide "mind sitting up on the table for me?" He asked sweetly, Miss Kim got up onto the table and smiled "so, your chart says you're six months along?"

"Yes" she nodded enthusiastically 

"Is this your first appointment since finding out about the pregnancy?"

"It is, I only found out a month ago, and it took a while for an appointment to open up" 

"I know. The scheduling in this place is ridiculous" he joked with a chuckle, making her laugh. He kept his eyes away from the man that was staring him down and watching his every move with soft eyes and a small pout. 

He gave her an exam, and listened to the heartbeat with the doppler before leading them both to the ultrasound room. He poured the warm jelly on her skin and dragged with doppler over it and pushed against her skin as the baby appeared on the screen 

He had a lump in his throat as he watched the way Jungkook held her hand and smiled lovingly at the baby on the screen. 

He thought Jungkook would help him soar, would help him feel, would help him live

But as it turns out, he's nothing more than a scumbag. 

Leaving his pregnant girlfriend at home to go to a club and make out with a stranger all night long in a field while she probably sat up all night scared and worried for him. 

He printed off some pictures for them and spent a few more minutes talking about prenatal vitamins and everything they'd have to look out for and then bid his goodbyes as he left the room. 

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