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Jimin had Arya from Friday night to Tuesday morning. Tuesday morning he woke up and got himself dressed for work, ate breakfast, drank his coffee and got Arya up, dressed, and fed, and then they waited for Jungkook. 

And waited

And waited

And waited 

"I'm gonna be late, come on my love" he got Arya into his car with her diaper bag and headed to Jungkook's house. His motorcycle was gone, he wasn't answering his phone, and when Jimin let them into the house he wasn't home. 

Jimin started to panic, he called Seokjin who told him to bring her to work with him and they'd pass her around the office in between his patients. He wasn't fond of the idea, but he had no other options. So he took her to work. 

Before his first patient came in he was sitting in his office at his desk while Arya sat on it and played with her play phone and babbled making him laugh as he tickled her and played, he was in the middle of blowing raspberries on her pudgy cheek when there was a knock on the door 

"Come in" 

"You're the talk of the office" Yoongi smiled as he walked in and closed the door "is this the little one?" He smiled and came closer 

"Yup, this is my baby love Arya, can you say hi to Yoongi?"

"Ababaaba!" She yelled and slammed her toy keys down onto the desk 

"Well hello to you too" he chuckled "she's beautiful, I'm assuming she looks like your ex? Or did you guys adopt?"

"Oh, um. Remember how I said it's a long story?" Yoongi nodded, and after thinking about it for a moment Jimin filled him in on everything that had happened to Sylvie and Jungkook 

"Oh..wow that's a lot to handle" 

"Exactly" he sighed "We've been doing pretty good at making sure our schedules line up, but I have no idea what he's doing or where he is. He was upset with me on Friday, but he isn't the type of person to screw me over because of it. And he responded to my texts all weekend"

"Are you sure he's not just being petty?"

"He wouldn't" he shook his head, because Jungkook wouldn't. Right? 

That thought didn't sit well with Jimin for the rest of the day. 

Ever since Friday, Jimin had been thinking about Jungkook's reaction to the possibility of Jimin going on a date with Yoongi. He'd come to the conclusion that for both of them it was too soon. He couldn't give anything to Yoongi when his everything still belonged to Jungkook and Jungkook still felt the same. 

But if Jungkook could be petty, so could Jimin. 

"Dinner tonight?" Jimin asked as Yoongi walked past him in the hall 

"Yeah? Sure. What time?"


"I'll pick you up" Yoongi smiled wide and continued walking. 

Jimin didn't feel as good about it as he thought he would. 

In fact, he felt terrible. 

Towards the end of the day, Jimin was finishing his paperwork at his desk with Arya strapped to his chest and Yoongi sitting across from him talking about a patient they had earlier in the day, the door opened and Jungkook walked in with a cast on his arm 

"Min, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry my phone broke and I had no way of getting ahold of you. My emergency contact is still Sylvie" Jimin quickly stood up and rushed over to him, seeing Jungkook in a cast and hurt made Jimin ache from the inside out

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