A possibility

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Jungkook woke up and smiled at the man currently sound asleep curled up on him like a cat, he brushed his bangs from his forehead and kissed his face. 

Jungkook wasn't a fan of relationships. He used to be. But they never worked for him, he tried. He really really tried. He was just never good enough. He'd forget a date, an anniversary, an allergy (that ended well), he couldn't sit still enough, couldn't move fast enough, couldn't be quiet enough, couldn't be loud enough, was too skinny, too built, too preppy, too weird, too emotional, too closed off, too...everything. He tried and tried to bend backwards to fit whatever model his partner wanted. 

Until he gave up. 

He moved in with Sylvie after his boyfriend broke his heart in the worst way. 

He was getting ready for their date that he reminded himself of all week, setting alarms on his phone and everything to make him remember. He dyed his hair, wore his best outfit, even went so far as to put on a little make-up the way he asked him to. 

With a curling iron in hand he checked his messages only to find an image his boyfriend sent him..a very NSFW picture, but with a different man. 
"Sorry babe, he's better than you" 

He packed all of his things and moved out before his 'boyfriend' could come home and tell him he needed to move out. 

He ended up on her doorstep with tears in his eyes, hair half curled, and make-up running down his cheeks. 

That was three years ago. 

He decided not to go looking for anything, or anyone. Just a quick hook-up now and then when he needed a release and that was that. He focused on his work, and on himself. He could get all of the tattoos and piercings he wanted, dress how he wanted, walk, talk, and act how he wanted. He could be too loud, too quiet, diet or gorge and there would never be anyone to tell him he couldn't. 

The right person would like him anyway, wouldn't they? 

And then one night, he woke up in the middle of the night to Brian screaming at Sylvie and shaking her like a ragdoll. 

Long story short, Jungkook spent a few days in jail. 

Watching their relationship go from a beautiful blooming rose, to some sort of wilted monster only settled the fact that love didn't exist. 

He didn't need it, he didn't want it, and it was stupid anyway. 

But then, he decided to be a father. 

He wasn't asked, it wasn't expected, it wasn't anything other than Jungkook loving his best friend as a sister and refusing to watch her suffer further at the hands of the man he put in the hospital. 

It was him opening the door for Brian, half naked from a shower, in a towel, and telling him the baby was his, not Brian's, and that he could fuck right off unless he wanted the other half of his face broken. 

It was him telling Sylvie he would be there no matter what. 

And then he went to the club to have one last hoorah before giving up on not only his love life, but also any sort of stupid fun he enjoyed because let's face it, you can't be drunk in a club, hooking up with men, and changing diapers all at the same time. 

But now, now, he thinks he might be able to have a relationship. To let someone in, and have someone to lean on the way Sylvie leans on him, but more, while he fumbles through parenthood and birthing classes. 

Jimin is a sweetheart, he's understanding, he's stable, he's smart, he's innocent, he's kind, he's funny, and Jungkook hasn't had to pretend to be anything or anyone for him. He presented himself to Jimin as himself.

And Jimin had looked at him like he held all of the answers to the universe in his eyes. 

He could get used to that feeling. 

The floaty, free falling, comfortable feelings that have come with spending time with Jimin. 

It's been a week, but who says how long someone needs to know someone before asking them for more? 

Isn't being in a relationship just consecutive dates getting to know one another, and figuring out life together? 

He's helping Jimin figure out what it means to feel, maybe he could help Jungkook learn that he doesn't have to change himself to be a good partner and soon father. 

Maybe Jimin is the person he'd been secretly waiting for. 

Jimin woke up alone in the bed of the truck, squinting as the sun hit him directly in his eyes, he sat up and rubbed his face as he looked with one eye open for Jungkook. He didn't have to look too hard

Jungkook was sitting by the fire in his pajama pants, and a short sleeve white shirt cooking eggs and bacon over an open flame and humming to himself.

Jimin stared in awe for a few minutes at the beautiful man he slept next to and wondered how he ended up in the situation he's in. How did he get noticed by someone like that. Someone so beautiful, funny, kind, smart, and absolutely selfless. How else could he describe Jungkook besides selfless.

Someone who is willing to put his own life on hold for his best friend and accept a life that he hadn't planned, not for his own benefit, but for hers.

Thats the definition of selfless.

And here he is making Jimin breakfast.

Helping Jimin have fun, and feel things he'd only ever dreamt of.

Jimin had never been in a relationship before, and aside from a few silent crushes had never felt drawn to another person before. He didn't think he'd ever find someone who understood him and would be willing to walk by his side as he figured out life and what he actually wanted and not just what was forced upon him.

He didn't think he'd have the kind of life he'd read about as a kid where prince charming comes along and saves the princess that had been locked away in a tower and spending their lives together.

He never thought he deserved to be freed from his tower, the world was big and scary, and he didn't want to try and figure it out on his own.

But now prince charming is walking towards him with a hot cup of coffee and a plate full of breakfast.

Prince charming is giving him a sweet peck and asking how he slept.

Prince charming took him from his tower and showed him that its okay to leave fear behind, even if only for a night spent sleeping in the bed of a truck.

But he hopes it will last longer than one night.

Maybe he'll be lucky enough to have his prince charming and live happily ever after.

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