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A/N This is a follow-up chapter of one shot number 7! happy reading!

    Synposis: They longed to see each other again

    "Oh God and then guess what happened? She accidentally sent the butt pic she was supposed to send to my brother to the family group chat!" Casey laughed, clutching onto her phone and she turned to rest comfortably on her side.

    "No way! That's so embarrassing!" Izzie gasped.

    "It really is. But I expect nothing else from her. She's a crazy one," Casey said and Izzie giggled.

    On the other side of the screen, Casey could see Izzie's books on the table she was sitting at. "Am I distracting you from studying?" Casey asked and Izzie smirked. "You're always a distraction babe. But no I'm done studying actually. Last exam tomorrow!"

    "And then you will be all mine," Casey smirked. "Ugh I can't wait to see you next week. It's been like what, 4 months?" Izzie asked.

    Casey had returned home the week before after all her exams were finished. She was excited to see Sam and missed home-cooked food and she'll admit, it was weird not having Elsa around to control her all of the time. And as expected, Elsa babied her the entire week but Casey was not going to complain because being away from her family for so long only made her love them even more.

    Of course, she FaceTimed Izzie every night since the day she left Los Angeles to go back home to Florida before she returned to school in Massachusetts. They talked about the day they would finally reunite again and that day was finally coming in a week. Izzie was finishing her last few papers and then she would get packed to leave for Santa Clarita to see Casey and her family for 2 weeks before retuning to Florida to see her siblings.

    "My family's gonna love you. I told them about you," Casey said and Izzie's eyes lit up.

    "Oh yeah? What do they think?"

    "They bombarded me with a million and one questions but I told them they could meet you when you come here. You're staying with us by the way."

    "Are you sure it's convenient? I could always just get a hotel-"

    "Nope. It's final. You're staying here. Plus, my brother has moved in with his friend so you can take his room."

    "Sounds like a plan babe."

    "Alright I better not keep you up. Gotta be fresh for your exam yeah."

    "Goodnight, I love you."

    "I love you too. So much."

    Izzie ended the call first and Casey plopped back down on her back, an uncontrollable smile on her face.

    The following week, Casey was constantly on her phone checking on updates from Izzie- whether she had boarded the plane, whether she had landed. "You ought to relax Casey. It's gonna be fine," Elsa reassured, noticing the nervousness on her daughter's face as she sat opposite her at the kitchen. "I know it's just... I haven't seen her for so long. Plus you guys are meeting my girlfriend for the first time, it's a huge deal."

    "You were never this nervous when introducing us to Evan," Elsa reminded and Casey sighed. "Well yeah that's cos... he's a guy. I didn't need to worry about that part. And also, Evan was just a stupid high school relationship. Izzie means a lot to me. I'm taking this seriously."

    "Well I'm glad to see you maturing. And it doesn't matter to me if you date a girl or a guy. I will love you so much either way," Elsa said with a smile before kissing Casey's cheek. Casey was too touched by her words to pretend to be repulsed by the action.

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