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Casey and Izzie are excited to finally spend some time together but are quickly interrupted by the recklessness of Paige Hardaway

Casey and Izzie are excited to finally spend some time together but are quickly interrupted by the recklessness of Paige Hardaway

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Izzie Taylor was never really extroverted in the sense that she rarely left her home to hang out with friends. During her time at Clayton, she's made many friends and many of those friends turned to her when they wanted some fun. Because the truth is, Izzie is a really fun person to be around. Her witty banter, her hilarious political opinions and her listening ear made everyone crave her attention.

    But when she would reach home, she barely looked at her phone and never met up with those friends unless it was truly necessary. It was always in the back of her mind that she was not one of those Clayton kids, she didn't actually care about a popularity status and she definitely did not bother about the latest gossip.

    It was draining to put up the act in school. And even more draining to come home to her crying siblings and the absence of her mother. Even if she did want to hang out with friends, she couldn't afford the time.

    All that changed when a certain Casey Gardner entered the school. Of course, Izzie felt threatened by the fact that there was a new girl that was as good, or even better than her at running. But she knew the "popular and mean track captain" act would scare Casey away from her territory, so that's exactly what she did during her first interaction with Casey.

    But something weird had happened. This time, it didn't work. It scared and confused Izzie that it didn't work because she actually found herself gaining a soft spot for the new girl. The way Casey hated the prim and proper bullshit Clayton offered, the way Casey understood the world the same way Izzie did... the way Casey just got her.

    "You're like my new favourite person..." Izzie had told Casey in the pillow fort they had built. Izzie's heart warmed when Casey said it back.

    And as all friendships do, Casey and Izzie had problems. Many problems. But it hurt them both to just bury it into a hole because they found themselves always going back to each other.

    Casey's boyfriend Evan was a hindrance to Izzie and she felt guilty about that. The way Casey smiled everytime she talked about him, the way Casey's eyes light up when he messages her... they all hurt Izzie deeply.

    Because now her "popular and mean track captain" persona was starting to fall for the new girl.

    Izzie didn't know what exactly spurred her to tell Casey about her feelings. She figured she had nothing to lose. Casey would always be her friend.

    But she started to doubt that when all Casey did after that was ignore her and find every possible excuse to be away from her.

    When Izzie found Casey at the track that night, the cold air against her skin and the quiet surrounding them were enough to make Izzie go crazy when she looked at Casey. She was hurt. Hell, she was mad at Casey.

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