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Synopsis: Casey forgets something important and Izzie can't take it anymore

Neither of them remember how they got here.

Casey sometimes wonders if she made the right decision. The right decision of going back to Newton. Izzie sometimes wonders if when she asked Casey if "they were still a couple when she goes back to Newton", Casey really meant it.

Izzie knew the space apart from each other would hurt but her optimism reminded her that they could pull through. Just because they were in different schools doesn't mean they would love each other any less.

So why was this happening? Why did the unexpected slowly start to becoming the expected?

It was a Friday night. Casey had just finished practice at Newton and Izzie dropped her siblings off at her grandma's.

"Hang out tonight?" Izzie had texted Casey an hour before. When her girlfriend replied that she would pick her up after training, her heart skipped a beat. But it was because she was nervous. Casey was slowly starting to feel like a stranger with all the missed texts and phone calls and the cancelled dates. Izzie wants to believe it's only because Casey is busy. She's not forgetting her or replacing her with the next best thing in Newton. But what would she say to a stranger? Does she talk to Casey about Clayton? Does she even want to know about Clayton? Would Casey talk to her about Newton? Selfishly, Izzie doesn't want to know. She just wants to know where they are right now. What they think about each other.

Their one year anniversary was tomorrow. Izzie was never a sucker for things like that. On her 6 month anniversary with Nate, he bought her a cupcake and was very clear he only wanted the sex. Not that it bothered Izzie. She was only with him for show. In fact she was glad that he didn't care about her as much as she didn't care about him. But Casey is different. They have history. Casey's the kind of girl Izzie can imagine herself writing songs about. She can imagine herself looking at Casey's pictures for hours and smiling giddily until her face hurts. This was their milestone. And Izzie was sure that whatever bump they were facing right now wouldn't ruin its significance.

"Hey grumpy, you've got your thinking face on," was the first thing Casey said when Izzie entered the car.

"Hey you..." she mumbled, hoping that Casey wouldn't ask further. She bent over to plant a kiss on Casey's lips, moving away before she had the chance to reciprocate.

"How was your day?" Casey asked as Izzie put on her seat belt. "Good... good... dropped the kids off at my grandma's."

Casey continued by asking how the kids were and Izzie overly explained with a lot of details about her brother's new football obsession and how her sister has picked up on her feisty attitude. She really didn't wanna talk about herself.

"How's the track team?" Casey asked and Izzie pursed her lips. "They're fine. Missing our star runner though," She said with a smile and Casey rolled her eyes. "Ummm... how's your training coming along?" Izzie dared to ask.

They've never had a more strained conversation in their lives. Casey had parked outside the 711 which meant that now she only had to focus on Izzie. How was she to strike up a full conversation with her beautiful girlfriend without addressing the obvious underlying tension between them.

"Training's fine. Coach has been on my ass. No different from Clayton, of course. How's Crowley?" Casey asked, finding a window of opportunity to change the subject.

"Same old, same old..."

This conversation was so painful. So Izzie took matters into her own hands.

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