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SYNOPSIS: Casey and Izzie move in together but it's not all perfect

"Okay, check this out. The dorm rooms look pretty nice. But we'll get randomly assigned to a roommate by our advisor. We just have to make do with what we have I guess," Izzie said, scrolling through the UCLA website on Casey's laptop. "Well that sucks," Casey groaned, playing with a ball she had found in the corner of the room as she spinned on her swivel chair.

"Oh my God. They have a GSA. It's perfect! I'm so excited!" Izzie exclaimed before looking up at her girlfriend who was grinning at her. "I mean... you don't have to go, of course. If you don't feel like it..." Izzie mumbled and Casey shot her a sad smile. "Of course I'll go. I'll give it a chance at least," Casey replied, getting off the chair to sit opposite her girlfriend.

"And you know... we don't have to live in the dorm rooms," Casey said, taking the laptop out of Izzie's hands before lying her head on her lap. "We could always just get an apartment," Casey suggested and her girlfriend looked down at her in shock. "Really? You think we can afford it?" Izzie asked and Casey nodded. "I did some research the last couple of days. The pricing is not bad. Obviously it won't be a mansion but there's a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and a pretty nice view from the balcony. Plus it's close to the campus. With the money we pooled from working jobs this year I think we can do it."

Izzie smiled before bending down to kiss Casey's forehead. "Is that what you want?" She mumbled against her skin. "It is what I want. Also if we get an apartment, no one can hear us," Casey whispered suggestively and Izzie giggled.

"Hear us do what?"

"You know... commit murder..."

Izzie wrapped her arms around Casey's neck and Casey used her strength to tackle her down on the bed. "It's gonna be great... I'm happy I'm doing it with you..." Casey said, stroking her girlfriend's hair.

The next few months were pretty hectic as the girls got ready for college. It consisted of applying for their apartment, signing up for classes and lots and lots of packing.

"You're not bringing this with you?!" Casey exclaimed, pulling out one of Izzie's bras from a pile of clothes that Izzie had chosen not to pack because the luggage was too much. "Yes and I probably have to remove more," Izzie said, scrambling to decide between clothes. "But you look so good in it. And it doesn't even weigh anything!" Casey argued. "Then I'll take a picture of myself in it and you can look at it any time you want," Izzie replied and her girlfriend rolled her eyes and then proceeded to pull Izzie closer by hooking her finger in one of her belt hoops. "Maybe you can wear it for me now," Casey said and Izzie gasped. "With your mum downstairs?! No way. We're gonna have an entire apartment to ourselves, I'm sure you can wait a little longer," Izzie laughed before kissing her girlfriend and pulling away, releasing her lip with a pop, which definitely did not make things easier for Casey.

The day they left was hard on them and their families. Well, mainly hard for Casey's family. Izzie's mum continued to be passive aggressive and blame Izzie for abandoning her family, which only made Izzie more desperate to leave. But she promised to call her siblings and grandmother everyday.

The plane was pretty empty because it wasn't a period when people were travelling for holiday and they also left a week earlier than other students because they needed to settle into their new apartment. This meant they could kiss whenever they wanted to, making their relationship obnoxiously obvious as they created an uncomfortable atmosphere for the stewardess who had to clear her throat to get their attention before asking if they wanted any drinks. It was also Izzie's first time on a plane so it was a pretty exciting experience for her.

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