Chapter 43

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You land hard, stomach first on the seemingly glass bridge beneath you with a pained grunt.

Tony had warned you about the Bifrost... it was not a pleasant means of travel.

Loki had always made it sound so easy.

Around you are the groans and curses of the other Avengers as they make their landings. From somewhere behind you, you hear the sound of vomiting followed by Tony's hysterically high pitched yells.


"-Sorry Tony..."

You pull yourself up to your knees, rubbing your aching neck. You feel whiplashed and sore as a hand reaches out to you. You take it and Thor pulls you to your feet.

"I know... it's not pleasant... I'm sure I'll hear everyone's grievances about it over the next few moments."

His sentence is cut short by the clinking of approaching armour. From behind you, Heimdall walks through the pile of winded Avengers, dropping to his knees before Thor solemnly.

"My Prince."

Thor nods, "Heimdall."

"My condolences, once again, Your Highness."

Thor nods, wrapping his arm around your shoulder but saying nothing. Heimdall doesn't wait for a response from him.

"Your horses await you, as does your father."

"Thank you."

Heimdall nods and turns back towards his golden watch tower. High above it the sun burns down on you, causing the golden spires of the city before you to blind you.

Somewhere in all of that beauty and light... your Loki lays dead... right now... he was there... or wasn't... but his body was.

You swallow, choosing not to cry. It was not the time.

In the distance, even from the Rainbow Bridge, you can see the streets bustling with crowds, carts and markets. The atmosphere feels heavy, and for the first time you notice the many scarlett flags and banners which adorned the town had been replaced with ones of raven black.

The kingdom was grieving for their lost Prince.

Thor calls out to your family, speaking impatiently, "Avengers. Get up. Horses. Now."

Tony stumbles to his feet, glaring at Thor and the audacity of his orders, "Horses?! Hey, who made him king around here?!"

Bruce rolls his eyes, "Literally... everyone...? It's his birthright when the Allfather..."

"Shut up Banner."

Bruce stops abruptly, pursing his lips and nodding to himself before wandering with the rest of the team towards the stables where the horses were waiting to take them to the Palace.

You wander over, seeing the huge stallions before you. You liked horses... normally... normal sized ones... these horses looked like they had eaten one too many carrots for your liking... why did they have to be so big?!

Thor senses your unease and leads you over to a gentle white mare, lifting you effortlessly into the saddle. He adjusts the stirrups and reins for you.

"Have you ridden before?"

"As a child... I may be out of practice..."

Thor chuckles, "Sølv is a gentle mare, she will look after you, but I will ride closely beside you to be sure you are safe."

You nod, stroking her mane as you sit yourself comfortably in the saddle. She nickers quietly, seeming to understand your trepidation. You watch the others trying to mount their horses with little success... aside from Nat, who swings herself effortlessly into the saddle of a large Bay stallion. You recall the day so long ago when she had gone hunting with Loki, Thor and Clint.

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