Chapter 16

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Loki screams as she disappears through the wormhole Thanos had manifested.

She was gone. He had lost her.

He staggers towards the spot in which she had vanished, trying to think of a plan. Desperate to do... something... anything. His head spins and he lurches with nausea. He drops to his knees and unexpectedly vomits onto the floor. He wipes his mouth and the sweat from his forehead, his skin feels clammy and his heart begins beating rapidly.

Thor appears beside him, grabbing his elbow to pick him up before wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Despite everything, Loki needed his brother, he was glad Thor was here. Thor senses his devastation, and pulls him into a secure hug. Loki keeps his arms down, stressed, desperate, pained.

"Brother? Take it easy, you are hurt. Do not do anything rash."

"I don't know what to do, Thor", Loki's voice comes out as barely a whisper, he stammers, struggling to form words.

Thor actually shushes him, trying to be comforting. It didn't work... nothing would work.

She was gone. He had lost her.

This was his fault.

Thanos had taunted him, and he had bitten like a pathetic, rabid dog.

He was a fool, and as a result he had lost Y/N.

"Attention, everyone. I'm afraid this party is over. If you are unhurt. Leave quickly and in an orderly fashion. One person may stay with someone who is injured. Ambulances are on the way. Thank you for coming, I'm real sorry about how this ended."

The voice of Colonel Rhodes booms across the room as he takes a microphone on the stage. He begins directing people left and right, with the help of the other Avengers. Thor keeps a tight hold on his brother.

Loki looks around, the light hurts his eyes and he realises his breathing has become rapid and shallow. He tries to lift his head, but it feels heavy.

"Helen?!"Thor's voice is filled with concern.

Helen Cho, team medic struggles to run in her heels but appears in front of Loki, her head tilted as if examining him. She turns to Thor.

"Take him back to The Compound. He's heavily concussed, and appears to be going into shock."

"I will, thank you, Helen "


Loki wakes with a start, the light from the window to his left blinds him. He sits up in bed and looks around. The bed is unfamiliar, crisp white and hard.

His head hurt... a lot. He raises his hand to his forehead but flinches in pain as he notices an IV connected to his hand.

Taking a few breaths, Loki tries to recollect his thoughts. The ball. Thanos. He had lost her. His dear Y/N. She was gone.

He rips the IV from his hand, hissing in pain as he stumbles to his feet. The hospital wing... of course... Thor had ditched him in the hospital wing. He would pay for this. Loki turns to look out of the window; from the front of The Compound he sees swarms of press surrounding the gates.

"Woah, Loki, get back in bed, you're not well."

Loki turns to see Banner jogging into the room. Banner holds his palms up as if surrendering, clearly trying not to cause trouble. Loki says nothing, glaring.

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