Chapter 31

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For the next week you fall into the same exhausting routine. You trained with Teela, you trained with Doctor Strange, you slumped into your chair at dinner with the Avengers and drifted off to your room where Loki was always waiting for you, pulling you into his arms. Despite the hours in the sun, Loki's skin remains pale and cold, you on the other hand, had gone a deep shade of sunburned red.

Of course, Nat and the boys had all gone golden brown.

On the ninth day in Wakanda, you walk out into the blistering heat, croissant in hand and head down to the training ground where Teela and the rest of the Avengers await for even more training. You were beginning to get sick of it.

Even from a distance you can spot Loki and Thor sparring with swords, the clanging of the metal echoing off the high cliff faces. He had left early this morning to train with his brother, finally being able to pull himself away from the bed in which you had basically resided for the entire week.

It seemed he was making up for the last three hundred years of solitude, not that you minded, like, at all.

"Morning Kiddo!"

Tony calls to you as you walk over the ridge, dumping your training bag with the others by the log benches. He had been better with you this past week, still furiously avoiding Loki and slicing him with death-glares, but better with you, as if making up for his bad behavior. You didn't mind so much, he was making an effort, a small one, but it was a step forward.

"Hey Tony, sleep alright?"

Tony scoffs, shaking his head "This heat is dreadful, so no, I slept terribly."

"Don't you have an air-con in your room?"

Tony presses his lips together in irritation, "I did, until some tight-wearing arrow-wielding gelding and his greasy haired accomplice placed a fresh catch in it from their fishing trip. Entire place stinks of the sea."

You press your lips together, holding back a snigger. Tony notices your reaction.

"No no no no, don't you laugh at this, it's not funny. Your boyfriend is a bad influence on my team, Barton would have never done this five years ago... he was loyal..."

Tony tails off, realising how overly dramatic and silly his words sound. You finally break, giggling into your hands. To your surprise, Tony chuckles quickly before composing himself. He holds his palms up.

"Okay, that was a little dramatic, I'll admit. I still don't like your boyfriend, and he's not helping me like him."

"Does that mean you're trying, Tony?"

Tony sighs, "Bucky was right the other day at breakfast, you're happy, Kid, happier than I've seen you in a long time. I can't deny it, but I also don't like it. I just don't like him, I think he's arrogant, narcissistic, dangerous, false and scheming. I don't think my opinion will change for a while kiddo, so for now, I'm staying out of his way, for you."

You pat his shoulder, "I appreciate you trying to accept us Tony, it means a lot."

Tony smiles, "C'mon kid, spar with me?"

"You're on!"

You enter the training ring with Tony, which is filled with Avengers. Everyone is divided up into pairs; Loki and Thor, Nat and Stephen, Sam and Bucky, Steve and Bruce, Clint and Teela. You walk to the centre of the ring and brace as Tony throws you a short sword with a grin. You turn quickly, giving Loki a small wave. He smiles, swinging his own sword artistically around before lunging at Thor. You loved watching him train, he was just beautiful.

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