Chapter 32

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You sit on the edge of the bed, hyperventilating in sheer panic. All of the passion and happiness from moments ago seem like a distant memory, replaced by the grinding terror which tears through your bones. Your palms glow angrily, scorching the bed sheets with black smoke. A tear falls from your eyes, but you can't cry, you can barely breathe. You hear a door opening somewhere around you.

"Y/N? Darling, Come here, Darling it's okay, I'm here, I'm here with you."

Loki runs out of the bathroom wearing a towel, still wet from his shower. Droplets of water fall from his hair as he jumps beside you, pulling you into his lap and holding you tightly.

"Darling try to breathe, catch your breath. No matter what happens today, you'll always come home to me, remember?"

You gasp breathlessly, remembering his sweet lullaby from last night. Despite freaking out, you manage to smile through your trembling jaw.

"I'm so scared Lohk."

Loki nods, a little shiver running through his body. He takes a deep breath as if reluctant to speak.

"I'm know My Sweetness, I'm scared too."

You sit up, looking at him. Behind his eyes is a fear you have never seen in him before. He looks down.

"The truth is, dear Y/N, is that I'm not afraid of Thanos, or the coming war... I'm afraid... I'm afraid of losing you and never being able to feel this way again."

You press your forehead against his, having a final, private moment with him. He kisses you, pulling you towards him with such intensity as if it's the last time he will ever hold you this way.

"We have five minutes to get to breakfast Love, and I'm wearing a towel. Come on, be strong, in twelve hours, hopefully we will be back in this room once again, the universe at peace once more. For now, have hope, My Love "

* Later *

You ride in a jeep with Loki, Bucky, Steve and Sam. It bumps over the rough ground towards the garrison the Wakandans had been building for the past week; a huge fortress of tents protected by an electromagnetic barrier. Around you are huge convoys of jeeps carrying soldiers and weaponry.

The jeep pulls to a stop beside one of the huge silver tents, on its roof is emblazoned with the Avengers logo. Loki jumps out of the jeep before you, turning to hold your waist and hoist you down gracefully. You give him a reassuring smile. He was clearly nervous about your emotional wellbeing.

"Not gonna help me down, Laufeyson? I feel left out."

Bucky stands on the back of the jeep, arms outstretched. Loki chuckles and uses his magic to turn the side of the jeep into a slide, which Bucky jumps onto with glee.

"Okay Y/N, your boyfriend, he's actually pretty cool, I'll forgive him."

Bucky pats you on the shoulder with a wink before turning and walking into the tent.

Loki giggles beside you, wrapping one arm around your waist and holding the tent door open for you with the other. You wander inside to see the rest of the team standing around a vast map table, looking tense and nervous.

Steve walks into the tent, looking determined as he reaches the head of the table.

"Alright team, listen up and listen carefully..."

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