Chapter 28

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The bleeping alarm on your phone forces your eyes to snap open, and you groan groggily, before sitting up in bed.

For the first time in weeks, you haven't had a single nightmare. You had slept in complete peace. You smile to yourself, feeling fully rested despite the 2am bedtime.

You climb out of bed and stand in the sunbeams shining directly into your room... in exhaustion, you hadn't closed the curtains. Thinking about it, you were not actually convinced you had locked the door either. The sun beams reflect tiny specks of dust all around you, glittering in the morning light. You felt... good today, positive, and eager to see Loki.

You jump in the shower, being lazy and brushing your teeth at the same time. You step out and wrap a towel around you before opening the huge trunk at the foot of your bed.

You had packed an awful lot of pairs of jeans... that was a mistake. This place felt hotter than the surface of the sun... and it wasn't even 8am yet...

You sigh, grabbing the first cool looking item you can see; a pretty, white lace summer dress that buttons all the way down. You haul it over your head, finding to your surprise that you've managed to get it on the correct way the first time. You look in the mirror and smile. You looked better too having had a full night's peaceful sleep. The Dark circles around your eyes have ceased to exist, however the humidity has done something... interesting... to your hair... which currently looks like a bird's nest. You attempt to tame it, to no avail, snapping a hair tie in the process. You quickly tie a strand of ribbon around it, keeping it off your face but still hanging loose at the back.

It would do.

Placing a pair of converses on, you wander to the door, finding it locked.

Huh... that's odd... but you couldn't question the strange workings of your exhausted mind... you had done some pretty odd things in the past week... orange juice in cereal, wearing your jeans inside out and picking a wooden sword up by the wrong end to name a few. Exhaustion had been a bitch.

You walk out into the gardens, already hearing the clattering of dishes from the small dining hut at the other side of the lawn. You half run over there, feeling positively starving. Considering it was nearly the end of the world, you really hadn't eaten enough over the past few days.

"Good morning, Sunshine!"

"Good morning guys!"

Clint waves to you across a large wooden table where Bruce, Nat and Loki sit. It looks like the others haven't turned up yet. Loki lifts his head from the book he was deep in on hearing your voice, giving you a radiant smile. You sit down beside him, pulling him in for a kiss.

"Good morning, Beautiful."

You grin at him, still finding yourself embarrassed by his compliments, "Hi Handsome."

He strokes the fabric of your dress, noticing the fact you're not wearing your usual gym wear, "This is pretty."

"It's not too white and girly for you?"

Loki grins sarcastically, "For me personally to wear? Perhaps it's more of Thor's colour..."

"You know what I mean!"

Loki giggles, running his hand through your frizz of hair, "You look lovely."

You manage a very bashful "Thank you" before hiding your blushing face behind your tangled hair.

Loki gently leans down and brushes the curtain of hair away, exposing your face, "So, how did you sleep?"

You look up brightly, feeling oddly excited to share your news, "I actually slept crazy well, not a single nightmare that I can remember and I didn't wake up once!"

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