Chapter 24

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You jump away from Loki and look up towards the open door, where Tony and Thor stand looking traumatised, dressed in sleep attire. You grab the covers and pull them up around you, covering your underwear. Damn... you wished you hadn't thrown that stupid net curtain dress onto the floor. Beside you, Loki props himself up on his elbows, choosing not to cover himself up and looking... irritatingly smug about the situation. You throw some of the duvet over him and he takes it, not taking his eyes off Stark with an expression of satisfied glee.

Thor is the first to break the horrendously awkward silence. You can feel your face burning red in mortification.

"Loki, how many times must I walk in on you having relations with various conquests in this castle?! Not that you are a conquest, Y/N... it's nice to see my brother in an actual relationship for a change..."

You stare at Thor in horror as Tony switches his gaze of hatred from one brother to the other. Oh god.. this was bad... This was very very bad.

"Subtle... Brother."

Loki's voice is low and sarcastic. Thor keeping a secret was definitely too good to be true... and clearly extremely naive.

"I could say the same about you, Loki, those sheets do not conceal as much as I'd wish them to."

Loki actually snickers. He seems completely unphased and unabashed by the situation. You throw more of the cover over him... concealing his... desire...

God you wanted to die. You wanted the mattress to swallow you up. You had already scorched the mattress with your power... surely a wormhole wouldn't be that hard to create and escape through...

If Tony didn't murder you and Loki first.

"Seriously, what the fuck is going on here?!"Stark's face is a deep purple with rage, his hands shake and the veins protrude out of his neck.

Loki sits up fully in bed, draping an arm around your shoulder. Part of you wants to shake it off, to run far away out of the castle and directly through the Bifrost. You probably wouldn't stop running even then.

"I could ask you the same question, Stark. Why were you bursting into my girlfriend's room at Midnight?"

Well. There was no hiding the relationship now.

Stark splutters with rage, "What am I doing?! ME?! The kid is still hurt, Frost Mutt, what are YOU doing with your hands all over her?! I TOLD YOU TO STAY THE FUCK AWAY, And you Y/N?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? You're supposed to be a smart kid?! What are you doing screwing such a prick?!"

Loki snarls, "I hope you're not calling her stupid, Stark?!"

Your palms begin to glow hot with emotion and distress, before you can look down and see the familiar red glow, Loki takes both of your hands and wraps them inside his own, unafraid of the potential consequences of his actions. His palms feel cool and calming, like ice on a wound. At that moment, he didn't care about being hurt by your power, he just wanted you to be okay.

Despite everything, Loki seems to ignore the personal name calling. How did Tony not see the progress Loki was making? How much better a person he was?

Probably not the time to ponder...

Tony takes a step towards the bed, fists clenched, beside you Loki tenses up.

"Stark, Loki, this is not a wise choice to be making..." Thor's voice is tense.

You find the courage to speak, swallowing the lump in your throat. Your voice comes out weak and quiet, filled with upset and embarrassment.

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