Chapter 14

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Thor stumbles to a halt in front of you, his body angled back towards the door. He gestures for you to follow him, his eyes filled with a rare fear uncharacteristic of him. Many floors below you, you hear the panicked screaming of guests in the ballroom.

You look towards Loki, who squeezes your waist comfortingly. He nods once and takes your hand, before turning back to his brother.

You turn to Loki, "Can we teleport?"

Loki nods but Thor grabs Loki's elbow,"We don't know where Thanos' soldiers are in the building, it's too dangerous to teleport. Despite your disdain of it, Loki, we must run."

With a sigh, Loki nods, "I'll follow your lead, brother."

Thor nods and begins jogging towards the stairwell, turning as he runs to check you're following behind. You both break out into an urgent run, Loki keeps his hand firmly in yours. You can hear his breath is heavy and shaky.

You run down the stairwell, your heels echo on the metal flooring as you descend. Loki runs in front, his grasp is now so tight that his sigil ring on his finger presses into your fingers, slightly painfully. With the height of your adrenaline, you barely notice.

"Oh for crying out loud!"

Loki turns to you, eyes filled with concern, "What's wrong Y/N?"

You stop and throw your stiletto heels down the centre of the stairwell. You give Loki a reassuring smile as you hear them hit the marble floor of the lobby many floors below.

"Those were slowing me down, I'll meet them at the bottom, carry on running, Your Highness."

Loki splutters a short laugh before taking your hand again "You are insane, my dear, and as you will very quickly learn, that I do not run, it is not becoming of me, nor do I find pleasure in it."

You set off down the next set of stairs, you can already see Loki is not enjoying the run, his forehead beading delicately with sweat. As he runs, he takes off his tailcoat, throwing it to the floor before turning to you with a smirk.

"It was slowing me down."

Thor shouts from a few steps down, "Would the pair of you stop undressing and hurry up!?"

Loki yells, "We are literally right behind you, brother!"

Thor, only slightly still intoxicated, turns while running. His loose, half-braided hair bounces manically around his face as he misses and stumbles down steps while trying to talk. Despite the fear of Thanos below, he grins at you.

"Now really Y/N?! You and my brother?! THAT'S a thing?! When did that happen!? That's... kind of... icky but I'm willing to get used to it..."

"Thank you, Thor, for your... blessing?!"

Thor cackles, "I mean it! It's about time Loki found a girlfriend... it's been centuries since he's been near another intimately. I was worried I would have to put him on Tinder!"

You turn to Loki, eyebrows raised,

"Really?! That long?"

Thor answers for Loki, clapping him once on the shoulder, "Indeed, It's good to see you find some happiness, Brother, even if she is a little young for you."

Loki, now running beside you utters a small "ugh" in response. You don't look at him, but his eye roll is palpable.

Thor runs on ahead, jumping down the stairs and swinging his legs over the handrails, beside you, Loki mutters to you sheepishly.

"What's Tinder?"

You giggle at the abruptness of his question, "I'll explain later, right now I feel like we have more pressing matters."

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