Chapter 6

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You head upstairs for an hour to prepare for the mission. A base storm wasn't something to be worried over. The team didn't kill unless necessary, mainly stunning soldiers to break a path through. With your powers it would be a doddle.

You walk over to the large standing mirror and scrape your hair back from your face in a high pony. You didn't want any unnecessary distractions.

Despite the simple hair, you take the time to put some makeup on. Natasha had long used her beauty to distract soldiers, and what had first started as a joke had become a valuable diversion tactic within the team. Looking in the mirror, you powder your face and strike a large wing of eyeliner on each eye. Feeling powerful was an incredible placebo sometimes.
You weren't exactly Nat, but you felt pretty beautiful.

Smiling, you walk over to the large closet Tony had installed into the wall, pulling out a dry cleaning bag and zipping it open. You take out your white Avengers catsuit. Of course it had to be a catsuit. At first you had hated the thing, feeling incredibly subconscious, constantly tugging and pulling at the enclosing fabric.

While Natasha was tall and slender, you were much shorter and significantly curvier, but the very first mission you undertook with the team made you forget the nervousness almost immediately.

Walking through the glass doors, the team had whooped and made you twirl like a kid at prom. The girls had made a fuss out of you, the guys made sure you felt beautiful. Particularly Bucky... you had definitely caught his eye that day.

You smile to yourself remembering the first year on the team. You and Bucky had briefly dated in the early months, but it didn't last. Tony had made sure to step in pretty quickly, you were still emotionally vulnerable and prone to "outbursts" and Bucky was still in recovery himself. You were constantly nervous about losing him in a battle and it had gotten too much, distracting you from your missions, so chose instead to stay close friends. He still emailed almost every day from his lab in Wakanda, sending dumb pictures of he and Shuri and various animals he had run into on his adventures. He would always make time to see you when he came home too.

Tony seemed to be stepping in now too... you hoped he didn't think you were relapsing into control loss again... he had no reason to. Maybe he was worried about you and Loki becoming a thing? You laugh out loud at the thought. Loki was sweet behind closed doors... but he was also Loki. Thor was a terror at making you lose control as a joke.... the God of Mischief wasn't even worth thinking about.

Pulling on your combat boots, you grab your supply pack, check in the mirror one last time, grab a protein bar and run downstairs to the hanger.

Most of the team have already assembled, aside from Nat and Clint. The team stands in a circle laughing and joking, you notice Loki stands a step backwards, not quite included.

He stands out against the others. Cap was easily the tallest Avenger, but besides Loki he looks so insignificant. Loki is easily a head taller, clad in green and gold leather armour, similar but definitely not the same as his New York attire. His horned helm is missing, and his hair is slicked back over his head, a single wavy strand falls over his eye. He doesn't seem to notice.

You half walk half jog over to them, a slight skip in your step... a part of you really enjoyed missions... they were.. dare you say it, fun?

"Hey team!"

Cap jovially shakes your hand, laughing, "Pleasure to have you on board."

"You haven't changed a bit, short-ass"

You turn to see Colonel James Rhodes standing with his arms outstretched. You jog over and give him a hug.

"Meanwhile, you seem to have gained some extra wrinkles, Colonel. Its been too long."

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