Chapter 23

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* Five Days Later *

You wake to a soft knocking at your door. Your head feels smothered by the huge silk pillows on your bed. God everything was grand on Asgard...

"Come in"

A young Asgardian servant girl walks into the room, holding a tray of breakfast with a smile. Even the servants and maids here were well dressed. She wears a lilac floor length gown, a crisp, white, long sleeved shirt underneath held in by a navy blue corset. Upon her head she wears a soft blue cap to keep her auburn hair neat.

She places the tray on your bedside table before pulling open the huge burgundy curtains. They looked like they weighed more than you...

"Begging your pardon for waking you Miss, I've brought you breakfast as requested by His Highness, Prince Loki. He has enclosed a note alongside your meal."

"Thank you, Asta, and don't apologise for waking me, I'd sleep until noon if I wasn't woken."

Asta giggles timidly, "His highness told me as such, but you may sleep until you wish. Prince Thor advises he is not disturbed until at least 2pm."

You find yourself laughing, it still feels strange... happiness... laughing... after all of the torture of the previous week. With a nod and a small bow, she turns to pick up laundry.

"Will there be anything else, Miss?"

"No! Thank you! And thanks for breakfast!"

With a final small bow, she exits the room with a click of the door. You sit up in bed, stretching the muscles which still ache despite the days of rest. The bruises on your body have lightened in colour, almost fully healed. Running your hands through your tangle of hair, you reach for the small piece of folded parchment beside your breakfast.

The parchment is stamped with an emerald wax seal, the etchings of a winding snake pressed into it. Using your nail, you break the seal and open the letter.

"My dearest Y/N,

Apologies for the early awakening, I know you still require rest, but nourishment will also help you in your recovery, despite your stubbornness.

Today, Thor and I are hunting in the North Woods. I believe Clint and Natasha will also be joining us. I will not be back until sundown.

I will be thinking about you with every beat of my heart. Keeping my distance for the sake of the team is nigh impossible, for I long to steal your sweet kisses and hold you in my arms.

Perhaps tonight I may rest alongside you should I pass by your chamber unobserved by a wandering Avenger? You may, of course, decline should you fear us interrupted. I do not wish to cause unnecessary anxiety.

I just want you to feel safe.

Adoringly yours,

PS. Eat. Do not be stubborn."

You find yourself grinning at the parchment in front of you, laughing lightly at his final footnote. He knew you better than you knew yourself and had spent the last five days trying to feed you healthy foods and healing your body. Your ribs were already nearly fully fixed, only causing light aches when you moved.

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