Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

It sounded surreal and like a bed time story rather than a history lesson. As her words filled my ears I didn't know what to think. It sounds unreal and magical. It made it hard to believe, but then again I suppose in a world of werewolves it isn't necessary something out of the blue. The Moon Goddess was known to us as a sacred and holy god that we honoured, it would be naive to think that she didn't have any enemies. 

"So that's the history of The Order? What harm do you believe they are causing now? And how do you know so much about them if they are secret" I asked wearily, raising an eyebrow to emphasis my question. 

"The Order is a family secret that I was only made aware of before it was too late. In terms of what harm is being caused? Well from the information I had gathered so far, they are tampering with mate bonds." Rita stated. There was no waver in her tone, she was talking as a matter of fact. Her words made me heart thump at the mention of the phrase mate bond. 

"Woah what do you mean they are tampering with the mate bond?" The irritation and worry in my tone was clear. My voice was barely a whisper as the words tumbled out of my mouth. 

"I have been chasing The Order for years and we have come across many of their labs. Some of them were burned to the ground before we got there, but others were abandoned and some of their reports were not disposed of." She sighed. "One of the things we found were some reports of what they had managed to create. They described it as a 'medicine' or a 'remedy'." She gestured with her two fingers in the air, exaggerating and mocking the description The Order had provided. 

"I prefer to call it a poison." Rita chirped. "The poison was something they created to mimic a mate bond between two wolfs."

It was then that Amira howled in the back of my mind. She was elated at what Rita had said, her happiness that this may be an explanation for Ryan's behaviour. I felt the hesitation seep through my bones, I knew that I couldn't let the hope linger for too long. I couldn't bare to feel the pain in my chest. I wasn't ready to face any hopeful possibilities, it was easier to deal with the separation if I knew Ryan didn't want me. I couldn't bring myself to fight for someone who refused to defend me. 

"What are the effects of this poison? How do you know it exists?" I sceptically asked. 

"We were able to obtain a vile of the poison. It is locked away and even though our doctors have attempted to study it. They are baffled by the ingredients. They advised the liquid is like nothing that they have ever seen. In terms of it's effects, we have refused to test it on anyone. It is in humane and goes against the Goddess' will." She finished. 

I don't know how long we had been sitting in the field of lilies but the sky was getting darker, the pink was darkening. It was like a navy blanket had been spread across the skyline. My thoughts are racing at a million miles an hour, who would do such a thing? It goes against our nature as wolves. It didn't make sense why they were poisoning their brothers and sisters. 

"How do we know the effects? If it hasn't been tested?" I questioned Rita. 

"Well the reports we found clearly outlined the efforts and also we rescued two sick wolves from the Royal Pack infirmary. They display traits similar to what was written in the report." She murmured. 

"Wait a second two wolves that were sick in the Royal Pack? Were they an Omega and Warrior?" The words came tumbling out my mouth. 

"Yes" Rita gasped. "Do you know them?"

"Personally not very well but I was volunteering when I stayed at the Royal Quarters they were sweating a fever and the smell that permeated through the air made my wolf sick. It smelt like rot." I shivered remembering the time Amira threw up. 

"Interesting. I smelt it too. Other wolfs couldn't." She whispered with curiosity. Rita started to nod her head as if the clogs in her head had hit a eureka moment. 

"Do you know why only we smell it or are affected by it?" 

"I have a number of theories..." She responded as she gazed into the night sky. She turned her head towards me and I gestured with my hands for her to explain. Rita rolled her eyes in response. "I believe that it could be one of two reasons. The first is that our wolves are special and due to our enhanced abilities than the average werewolf, we are more sensitive to the poison." Rita explained. 

"The second reason?" My question lingered in the air. 

"We have both been previously affected by the poison and essentially we have built up a tolerance, an immunity has developed in our wolves." She huffed. 

"So what was the smell?" I responded. 

"That was the smell of the bond breaking. Imagine the bond between two wolves as a piece of twine. It was intricately woven. The poison acts like an acid that burns those strings, wreaking the bond and mimicking a fake bond with another wolf. I don't know the science behind it, but that's what was described in the reports."

"Do you still have the vial of poison?" The clogs in my mind were ticking away. 

"I do." Rita nodded her head. 

"I think I may know someone who might be able to help. Before I left the pack, I discovered the Queen's lady in waiting in a coma. There was an IV drip which Nona had sent to a friend called Drew. He used to live at the orphanage but he moved to London, England. If we can find him he may be able to detect what is being used in that poison and also we may be able to find a cure for Lady Reanna if she is in an induced coma." 

"It's risky Leyla, how do you know we can trust him?" Rita questioned suspiciously. 

"Nona trusted him. So I trust him. Nona wouldn't have risked sending it off to Drew if she didn't think he could help. She also told me that if I was in trouble that I should look for him in England." I explained. 

"I don't know it seems risky making contact with anyone outside the Kingdom. It won't be easy getting of the land into the human world. We could easily be caught or followed." Rita said wearily. 

"What other choice do we have? If The Order are using science to interfere with the mate bond then we need to find someone who has the skills to work out an antidote or at least tell us what we are up against!" I exasperated. 

I could see that Rita was thinking about what I was saying. I could see the thoughts pass across her face. I knew what I was saying was a risk but it was something that we needed to do. Everything that The Mallapers were doing to fight against The Order were defensive moves. They seemed to be one step ahead of us. If we truly had any chance of beating them, then we needed to change our tactics. We needed to go on the offence. 

She sighed. "I guess we can try. I'll have Reed and Carson look into it and see what they can discover from there. Maybe Carson will be able to search from him, it would put some distance in between the two of you. Hopefully then you will continue to feel safe here." Rita said with a sad smile. I nodded my head in response. 

"RITA!" Reed bellowed through the trees. His voice was loud and boisterous, you could hear the panic underlined in his voice. Both of us had snapped her heads hastily to the direction of his screaming voice. We jumped to our feet and turned to face his direction. 

"RITA. Sorry for interrupting you." Reed gasped for air. "We have a problem with our guest and your needed immediately." He explained. 

I saw Rita's shoulders tense at his words when he mentioned the guest. I wonder who he was talking about? I didn't remember seeing anyone new roaming the grounds. It was then that a small flicker of worry crossed her face as she stood large strides in his direction. It was like she forgot I was there and she was on a mission. 

"Leyla, I'm sorry I must go. Duty calls." She murmured as she walked away. "I'll be training you tomorrow, so be ready early morning." She shouted over her shoulders. She looked towards Reed and gestured with her hands in his direction. "Take Leyla make to the pack house. I'll see you when I get back."

It was then that she sprinted off into the towering pine trees. She was nothing but a shadow. 

The Mallapers Are Rising: A Rejected Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now