40: The Fire is Lit

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"I just can't believe you're getting married. I'm so happy for you!" Aunt Hilda glowed from her little square in the group face chat.

My grandparents were in other squares and my mom's best friend was in the last one. Everyone had logged on to wish us well before the ceremony. I was kind of bummed not having any of my actual family here, but the Hamads were doing their best to make me feel like I did.

"Thank you. It's so crazy. We just knew it was the right time." I lied.

None of them knew about the pregnancy and they certainly didn't know Tareq had tricked me into it. They also didn't know that Tareq had been investigated and this wedding was a way to ensure we wouldn't be separated again. My life had gone off track.

"You look so handsome in your tuxedo. I love that blue. Your parents would be so happy for you. Your father looked just as handsome on his wedding day. You know we'd love to be there with you, but we just can't do that far of a trip." My paternal grandmother smiled sadly.

"Oh no. It's fine. I mean this was so sudden. Maybe someday soon we can have something in Tucson to celebrate," I nodded.

"Dylan, is almost time to start," Mr. Hamad said. He and Emerson were hanging out with us in the little side room where we were getting ready before making our grand entrance. Wes and Ishaq had stopped by before going to find their seats in the theater.

"Ok. Just click on the link to switch over to the wedding feed streaming thingie," I told my family and hoped they'd figure it out. It had taken them a while to get the video call working.

I said my goodbyes to them and they disappeared one by one. I turned to Tareq who was looking out at the crowd filling in the auditorium.

"Is not too many... You do not need to look." Tareq gulped as he closed the door. I could tell he was lying. He didn't want me to think of the oversized crowd his mother had invited to celebrate our day.

We were getting married at an events center called the Golden Dome. It was a large theater with a giant dome roof that glittered gold in the desert sun.

"What? Really? No.... Ok, it's fine. It's fine. We'll make it. All that matters is us, right?" I could feel my heart pounding in my ear.

"We will be in our little area. Just give little nod of head and smile when you walk out and all will be fine. You do not need to look at crowd until we are finished and ready to exit." He brought me into his arms.

"It will be fine. Don't be nervous. We will be out there with you," Emerson signed. He hugged me just as Tareq's parents rushed into the room.

"Here we go! It's time! March, March," Tareq's mom grabbed her husband's arm and pushed him towards the door. She had been out front making sure everything met her expectations. This was her day to shine.

A violin started to play, it sounded lonely and I didn't know the tune. It played through one verse of a soft song and then other instruments started to join it.

"Just as we practiced. Yes? Smiles and happy-happy." Tareq's mom turned to glare at me as if she knew I was going to fuck this up.

"Yes, mother. We are ready," Tareq told her.

She nodded at us and then walked out towards the stage with her husband.

"Don't be nervous. Everything will go well, little one." He gave me one last hug before taking Emerson's arm and leading him out.

"Don't forget earpiece so you know what goes on," Tareq reminded me.

The ceremony would be in Arabic mostly so I had a small white earbud connected to a translator who would explain things in English. I put it in and I could hear him breathing softly, waiting for words to translate.

Breeding DylanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon