3: Flying Away

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I woke up before him. The thick curtains fought back the morning sun, which rises well before 6 AM in summer. I started to reach for my phone; a standard first priority when anyone awakens. But then I heard his breathing, felt his gentle heartbeat against my cheek.

I decided to just lay there, be present in this moment.

His body was a strong heater that fought valiantly against the chilly air assaulting us from the overhead vents. I had one hand resting on his tight abdominals. There was a narrow trail of hair that ran from his furry pecs and disappeared into his gray fleece shorts. I rubbed my hand down slowly towards the waistband of his underwear peeking out at me. I made it within an inch before I felt his body stir.

"You are awake, my boy?" His body yawned, making his muscles tense and his arms stretch. I raised up from his chest and nodded at him. His messy hair and bleary eyes were tempered by a contented smile.

"You sleep so peaceful." He leaned down to kiss me.

"You're so warm when you sleep. I love it." I kissed his chest then laid back down.

"I have the heat. I am a wolf. I try to not make the room so cold for you. I keep you warm in my nest." He reached for the covers and pulled them up over my head.

His body stretched and then I heard the television click on and a reporter started talking about a water main break up in Oracle.

"I order breakfast delivery. What do you wish for? I have menu on my phone. Come up and see." He pulled back the covers then reached for his phone.

"Nothing too heavy. I have to work later and we get free muffins." I'd traded my morning shift for the afternoon crowd which got surprisingly busy.

"The Muffin Manor. It sound so royal." He chuckled. "Why do you work this? You should be in school, no? You study something?"

"I did a semester at Pima College, but I had a rough time in high school. College was worse. They placed me in remedial everything. I got kind of lost after my parents... I got lost. I barely finished high school and... Muffins are just easier to deal with. Muffins don't make me think." I'd never said that out loud.

"Oh." That's all he said with his lips, but his eyes said much more. They told me I was pitiful, problematic, pathetic.

"I know! I'm a mess. You deserve better." I lowered my eyes to his chest.

"I do not like you say this hard on yourself. You are beautiful and perfect. Something tragic happen to you at a young age. You do not decide when trauma finishes with you, my sweet boy. You need time to heal. I will be here for your needs." He put his hand under my chin, guided my face to his, and kissed my lips.

"I guess you... I wasn't going to bring it up, but my aunt told you my parents died, and I guess it was obvious anyways since they weren't there for the dinner. I wasn't trying to lie about it, I just didn't want to bring it up too soon or I'd scare you off. You probably want to know what happened, right? I owe you that, right?" I started to talk very fast.

"You will tell me when you decide to discuss it. You do not owe me your tragedy. It does not scare me off. Right now you just need choose breakfast. Ok? You like eggs? You want the bacon?" He offered a gentle smile then pulled me up to lie beside him.

"Hmm." I scanned the menu. "Oh! The healthy start oatmeal looks good. I like berries. And an Orange juice? Please?"

"Very good." He picked my choices on the menu then added an omelette and coffee for himself. "15 minutes will be delivered. We dress now to eat."

I got up and found the clothes I had from the night before. I could change at home before catching the bus to work. He pulled on a t-shirt and changed to workout shorts. I got a nice view of him in tight stretchy boxer briefs before I went into the bathroom to dress.

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