20: Mr. Zakar's Promise

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"He should have been back by now. Why isn't he back?" I checked my phone for the 20th time.

"It's not a simple conversation. His parents will be very angry and there is much to discuss." Reyk put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Are you worried about you or worried about him? He deserves punishment and hopefully his parents are giving it to him. Maybe they took him to jail to turn himself in." Wes was still furious with Tareq.

"Don't say that. I know he was bad... but I need him. I can't do this alone." I'd spent the day worried that his parents would freak out and send me home with nothing.

"You have me. You have your aunt and family. If we go home, we'll figure it out and sue their ass. Don't forget they're building those resorts in Tucson so they do have assets in the US." Wes was ready to start something major.

"The Zakar family would never allow their heir to live in squalor. That child will never worry for money or care. They will rise to the occasion with this. You'll see," Reyk assured us.

"We will see. Can we go down for dinner? I'm starved." Wes didn't want to wait for Tareq.

"Give him ten more minutes. If he's not back by 7 then we'll go eat. Please just wait. I need to know what happened," I pleaded with him.

We sat there while a cartoon played on the tv. None of us were watching it. We were too anxious about what would happen. This was big for us. Tareq was their youngest child, and seemed to be the one his mother paid the most attention to. She wasn't used to being disappointed in him.

We heard a key swipe across the door and then the handle turned. Tareq came in and looked as if he'd just run a marathon. His father was right behind him, and looked at me with concern.

"Hello, Dylan. Can we speak please?" Mr. Zakar came towards me.

"Of course, sir." I stood and he leaned in for a hug and kissed my cheeks.

"He hasn't had dinner." Wes interjected.

"Order whatever you wish. This will not take long." Mr. Zakar nodded at Wes and offered a warm smile. Wes dove for the menu book as I followed Mr. Zakar back to the bedroom with Tareq behind me.

Near the window, there was a small sitting area with two chairs in the corner of our room. Mr. Zakar took one chair and waved his hand to the other as he said, "Please."

"First. I apologize for the behavior of my wife. She did not know the truth. She will not be alone with you until you are on better terms, but I hope you will return to my home. You are very welcome and wanted there and I will personally assure you receive the best care from all you encounter." Mr. Zakar had this gravitas to his voice that immediately eased my anxiety.

He sounded like he'd practiced this statement.

"Second. I apologize for my son. What he did to you is without excuse. You have more than proven your gentle and kind nature in not having him prosecuted. It is certainly not something my country would condone. You have every right to be angry and seek justice. My son was right to choose you for his mate, but terribly wrong to trick you into this." He reached across and took my hand.

"I'm not angry. I mean I was, but not anymore. I just want my baby to be ok. I want him to be born here and get the care he'll need." I looked at Tareq who sat quietly on the edge of the bed. He looked like a kid waiting for his parents in the principal's office.

"On that, we agree. He will have the best care and so will you. Additionally, I spoke with my lawyer to set up a fund for you in Arizona. Your aunt will receive instructions to access it. If you wish to go home after this, you will have the money for a comfortable life. If you stay, you will have that to spend as you please either way," Mr. Zakar said.

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