27: Starve A Cold

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"You must eat, little one. You didn't have lunch, and dinner will be served soon. You can meet my son and his partner who is from your country." Mr. Hamad sat down on the bed where I'd curled up around a pillow. I'd spent the afternoon staring out the window like Tareq would appear.

I ignored him. I couldn't move. My body felt locked with fear. Laying there took every ounce of energy I had.

"Your things are arriving soon. The Zakars are a good family. I'm sure you miss them greatly. You can come out and wait for your things in the living room. We have snacks and many cable channels in English. We can find something good to watch while you wait." Mr. Hamad put a hand on my shoulder. His hand felt comforting.

"Is Tareq coming to bring my things?" I looked up at him and saw Emerson standing behind him looking at me with concern.

"He is not. Ms. Hassan has asked us not to allow visitors until a judge reviews the case. Maybe soon they will allow a visit or phone call. It is not up to me, little one." Mr. Hamad rubbed my shoulder gently.

"You know about the pregnancy needs. You know I can't physically be without him. You know it makes me achey and tired. Please," I looked up at him and begged.

"I am aware of your needs, but that is mostly psychological. You are sad and stressed. You will bond again with him soon when this is cleared up. Hopefully we can get Tareq time to visit. Please come out and eat something." Mr. Hamad stayed there until I started to move.

I got out of the bed and saw Emerson looking at me and signing something. I looked at him, but I didn't know how to sign. I gave him an apologetic look and walked out to the living room.

"Hi! Dylan! I'm Amir," a handsome man just a few years older than me stood up from the dining table. He was tall and strong like Tareq.

"And this is Kasper." He pointed to a guy who looked similar to me, but with long hair down to his shoulders.

"Hey. It's nice to meet you." Kasper nodded at me.

I nodded at them and went for the couch where the coffee table held a tray of vegetables and hummus. They came and sat on either side of me like this was going to be an intervention.

"So you're from Tucson, huh? That's in the desert! I've never been there, but it looks really hot with lots of cactus and scorpions, kinda like here I guess but we get the ocean breezes. I'm from SoCal... LA... Well, kinda LA, Ventura County. Have you been there? No one usually goes there unless you're from the area..." Kasper started rambling.

"I can't do this." I got up and went back to the bedroom. I closed the door and closed the drapes before getting under the covers. I cried until I fell asleep.


"Dylan, your things arrived. You must wake up, little one," Mr. Hamad woke me as he came in. He wheeled in a suitcase and held squishy cactus under his right arm.

I looked up at him and reached for squishy cactus. He smiled and put the stuffed object in my arms. I hugged cactus and could smell Tareq's cologne. I felt like crying all over again.

"We saved you a plate of food. Everyone is very concerned and came to check on you," Mr. Hamad pointed towards Emerson, Amir, and Kasper waiting behind him.

I shook my head and went back under the covers with squishy cactus. I wasn't ready to face a crowd.

"You're carrying a baby inside you and he needs nutrition." Mr. Hamad sat on the bed and pulled back the covers.

I didn't respond. I was not hungry and didn't want to argue with him. My body gave a deep shiver that made him pull the covers back over me.

"If you cannot eat on your own then you will need to be transferred to a care unit at the hospital. It is not a threat to scare you, just the facts. I will not let you hurt yourself in my home." He responded by upping the pressure.

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