21: It's For The Beans

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We spent four more days at the resort relaxing and avoiding anything that would upset me. I was getting tired of being the focus of everyone's care. Ishaq came a few times to hang out with Wes. I liked getting to know him. He was a solid guy who seemed to really care for Wes. They were really starting to get into each other.

Every morning, Tareq woke me with the same two questions:

1: How is my boy feeling?  

2: Will my Dylan wear my ring?

The first two mornings he just asked the questions, but on the third day he tied the ring to squishy cactus' right arm and stuffed it between my arm and his abdomen. 

On the fourth day, he just put the ring on my finger before I woke up. I didn't notice it until we were eating breakfast and it clinked against my cup of orange juice.

"Dude!" I laughed when I looked down and saw the ring on my finger. "This thing is way too expensive to keep playing with. What if I didn't notice and it slipped off when I was washing my hands?" 

"Please keep it there until I make you angry again. Ok? It does not mean we get married, just that you are pleased with me. It will be my check-in with you to know your feeling." Tareq pleaded.

"Ohhhhkay," I sighed like Eeyore. It put a big smile on his face.

He'd really been trying to make me happy. We got Reyk his own room in the resort so Wes could use the other bedroom in our suite. That meant we could get our bed back for some much needed bonding time. Something about daily sex with Tareq helped things improve dramatically. My body felt better, my sleep was longer, my muscles felt right, and things felt peaceful.

Tareq and Reyk took me to my doctor's appointment while Wes went to watch Ishaq's soccer game and hang out with him.

Today we were supposed to maybe see something on the scan. 

I was so excited because we'd only heard little movements or mumbles when the doctor used the machine that let us listen. It sounded so promising, but the doctor assured us it was just my breathing or my stomach rumbling. But today there was supposed to be enough growth to show something.

"What will he look like on the scan?" I asked Reyk as Tareq pulled into the parking garage.

"He might look like nothing. It's hard to tell this early if he will show up. If he does, it could be a spot or a little wiggling bean. The new technology will show it big on the screen, but he's still a tiny cluster of cells." Reyk explained.

"Can wet get a picture of him?" I really wanted to see something.

"Of course. If he shows up then you'll get as many as you like. They have a fantastic photo lab." Reyk grabbed his bag as Tareq pulled up to the valet.

Tareq held my hand as we walked to the elevator and rode up to Dr. Rammat's office. His finger rubbed back and forth across my ring.

We got into the exam room and Reyk started reviewing his data on me with the doctor. They were pleased that I'd gained one pound and was following the workouts.

"Let's try your first scan!" Dr. Rammat said when he'd finished looking me over.

He walked us down the hall and then back to the elevator and then up to the top floor of the building where there was a specialty clinic. He talked to the receptionist in their language before leading us back to a small, brightly lit room with a glass booth.

He helped me inside the booth and then adjusted some metal arms on the back of it to bring this steel plate down. He centered it right on my stomach and then stepped out and closed the booth.

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