𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑂𝑢𝑡

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- 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚛'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅 -

"Attention, everyone!" My father called as he clapped his hands together. Everyone on the pack grounds had gathered outside  the main house while my father, the alpha, and his brother stood atop the stairs.
"You all know my brother, Dominic" he introduced with a gesture
"Our second Alpha, has returned" he called and the crowed cheered
My father and his brother had shared the alpha title since my grandfather had passed. Normally it's the sibling who shows more of a leader roll but I guess they couldn't decide.
"The high council may have said some choice words to you in regards to our alpha though you must all remember, he was framed! Our alpha, my brother, has tragically lost his mate after a ROUGE TURNED HIS SON!" He shouted
"AGAINST THE COUNCIL! They are just trying to cover their tracks!"
"Together, your alphas will take out the rogue and her little toy to keep this pack safe. And from there" he added, looking over to his brother
"We will overtake the council" Dominic said with a smirk
The crowd gasped before a round of applause started and people began cheering and howling for our Alphas.
"Today we start training, tomorrow we rise to the top!" They said in unison as they raised their arms.


"He goes to our school Mick" I pleaded with the boys
"Are you insane? We're going to take over the high council! Our pack will run the world" Daniel cheered
"Our pack will be wiped out. We may have two alphas but they aren't stronger than the elders"
"Don't be a little bitch. Just do what you're told" Mick added
"He's technically my cousin. Plus, I'd like to think someone would do the same for me" I stormed off across the grass field and headed towards school.
After my first class i was stopped in the hallway by Mick and Daniel, their faces white and sweaty
"What's wrong guys?" I asked before they grabbed my arms and dragged me into a nearby empty classroom.
"One of the pack members heard you this morning and told the Alphas. They want you taken to the dungeons" Daniel urged in a hushed tone
The two of them begun arguing, trying to keep the conversation from me. I'm beginning to think they are plotting against me at this point.
I started stepping my way closer to the door while they argued and as I begun to open it they both looked at me, their eyes glowing.
"Connor" Mick warned, no longer seeming worried for me
Without a second thought I bolted through the hallways as quick as I could, headed straight for the gym and praying to the goddess Luka was there. I heard the boys calling me through the mind link before some other pack members joined in with calling my name and I ran faster. I rounded the corner and burst through the doors heading outside and flung myself around the corner to see Luka and Alexis waiting against the brick wall.
"Conor?" Luka questioned as I skidded to a stop in front of them
"We gotta run. Now. Into the woods" I demanded before I broke into another sprint and launched myself over the waist high fence and passed the tree line. After a minute or two I heard two sets of feet following me yet I couldn't pick the smell so I was pretty sure they were from Alexis and Luka. I kept running as I headed off pack land and found a small area of grass surrounded by bushes and covered overhead by the trees where I finally came to a stop. A few minutes later Alexis came running in with Luka not far behind. I bent over to catch my breath only to have Alexis pin me to a tree with a hand over my throat
"What the fuck was that" she demanded
"Luka is in danger" I gasped and her grip on my neck loosened
"It's okay, let him go" Luka reassured and Alexis lowered her hand, her eyes as dark as the night and not leaving mine.
"Your dad, Dominic, he's my uncle. My fathers brother" I started
"Conor" he groaned
"No, I know how it sounds! They share the alpha title of the Blood Moon Pack. I swear Luka, I know I've given you shit in the past but honest, any questions, I'll answer them" I pleaded. Luka looked at me while Alexis continued her pacing and I saw the flash of emotion across his face that showed he trusted me enough to at least hear me out.
"Alpha Dominic ordered me and the guys to take you out because of something about him being a pure blood and you being human, though you're not anymore" I glimpsed Alexis eying me off as I spoke
"Luka, he wants you dead. I'm not entirely sure why but I think it has something to do with your bloodline. See, when I was younger I had been playing hide and seek and while hiding in the meeting room I overheard the Alpha's talking about getting rid of his human half. I didn't know until I was older he meant you and your mum"
"Why would he want to kill his own mate?" Alexis retorted
"Because she was human. He left her when she gave birth to another human and he saw he wouldn't get the son he wanted but his wolf became weak and he returned to her. Despite being mates, his anger grew because he couldn't be a true alpha. He told us he wanted to get rid of both his mate and child and share the alpha title again"
"Wouldn't he get over it if I was turned?" Luka asked
"No, you weren't turned by his pack" Alexis added, her pacing starting again
"So why didn't he turn me?"
"Because, the high council look down on our pack because they share the alpha title" i explained
"So he couldn't get the permission and didn't want to risk his pack but also didn't want an outcast or human child" Alexis finished
"Are they stronger sharing the alpha title or are they weaker?" Luka questioned
"Stronger. They feed off each other. Our alpha's, when fighting together, are near unstoppable"
"No way, Luka shifted the other night and pinned his dad down like a feather" Alexis laughed
"What?" I stammered
"Don't ask me" Luka muttered as he started to wonder off into the trees
"He doesn't remember shifting. He jumped out the window and shifted mid air, absolutely destroyed his dad then when he shifted back he had no memory of it" Alexis confessed in a hushed tone
"He doesn't remember what happened while his wolf was forward?" I asked, matching her hushed voice
"None at all. He shifted briefly on a run but thought he fell over. There was one time i got his eyes to glow but that was about it"
Alexis and I started walking along where Luka had left before I heard my 'pack' in the mind link.
"They are almost here, we have to split. Keep out of the territory and work on getting him to shift more. If he could take Alpha Dominic out that easily.." I trailed off shaking my head at the thought of the power behind his wolf
"Meet us out near the lookout" Alexis said so quietly I nearly missed it before running off with Luka.
Conor you little shit, get back here The pack was getting louder and I ran as fast as I could in the direction opposite Alexis and Luka.

The Unexplained Transformationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें