𝑁𝑜 𝐹𝑎𝑖𝑟

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Her fingers pulled my hair back up to her face where I met her eyes.
There you are. She said quietly with a smirk. I leant in and kissed her as she pulled me closer
Join me Luka. Alexis spoke softly, quietly, as if she were far away whilst she was still kissing me, her lips still very much connected to mine.
She reached down between us and planted her hands on my chest as she pushed me back, breaking our kiss and forcing me to sit up
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing is wrong Luka" she smiled as she leaned over and kissed me again. Show me you can do it. She said in her distant voice while our lips connected.
Alexis slipped out from under me and started walking away towards the trees where I noticed it was now basically dark.
"You sound so far away" I said as I got up to follow her
"Wait, you could hear me?" She stopped in her tracks and turned around, a big smile on her face.
"Well, yeah? You wanted me to show you something, I don't know what you mean though"
Alexis came running back to me and jumped into my arms to which I held her up with, a smile forming as she looked into my eyes, her's with a black glow around the edges.
After a few silent minutes she sighed.
"You didn't hear me" she frowned.
"I'm sorry" I offered gently. I grazed my thumb under her chin and kissed her softly. -thing we can do. She spoke softly again.
"What?" I asked her
She looked at me with curious eyes before bombarding me with kisses and filling my head with half broken words in her oddly faint voice. I gently lowered her from my waist with a laugh
"You're weird" I said
"You're weird. You can only hear me when we kiss"
"What do you mean?"
"Luka" she took my face in her hands
"You can hear me. When I'm not talking" she continued
"Wait, like wolfy talk?" I questioned
"Oh my goddess, wolfy talk? That's what you came up with? It's a mind link. Between packs and mates. You kind of call a pack mate by thinking about them while you 'speak' in your head. With a mate though, they get all of it. You can only hear me when we are kissing though but I could hear you ever so quietly. It broke off when our kisses broke off" she said as she begun pacing
"You were really quiet. Like you were far away"
"Same with you. I wonder why that is? Usually it's like they are in your head with you and are the same volume as you. Unless of course they are yelling then it's quite loud" she chuckled.
"Well, how do I make it louder?" I asked as she stopped to look at me
"I don't know. Also, your eyes" she put her hands back on my cheeks and gave me a dreamy look with her eyes flushing black.
"They are beautiful and so bright Luka. They are so bright" her voice was sweet as she looked at me with love and adoration before kissing me slowly. I'm so lucky she said, this time louder and I could tell it was in my head. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on her gentle lips on mine as I placed my hands on her hips and deepened her kiss. I'm the lucky one Lex. I felt her whole body tense up and she broke our kiss to look at me.
"No need to shout, baby" she giggled
"You're louder too" I smiled as her face lit up.
"We're getting somewhere. Hey you know what that means right?"
"We need to make out more so we can continue testing?" I joked
She giggled and kissed me again. Exactly my love.
"It also means we need to keep pushing your wolf forward because you're almost there" she added after breaking the kiss again.
"But, it mainly means you need to stop, stopping me" I laughed as I picked her up by the hips and her legs wrapped around my waist while her arms wrapped around my neck
"I wonder" she pondered before kissing down my neck. Just as she reached my collarbone I heard her singing sweetly in my head and laughed which, apparently, was a reaction she was looking for as she jumped up quickly with a huge smile
"You heard that?!" She asked excitedly
"Yes I heard that. It was beautiful"
"All of it or just when I kissed you here?" She ran her fingers over my collarbone
"Just there. You're saying I missed out on the rest of your song?"
"You'll be sick of it soon enough. It's always stuck in my head" she laughed as we sat down on the grass next to our clothes. It was only now that I realised Alexis had been completely naked the whole time we had been out here and how comfortable she was. It was quite attractive, the way she just didn't care that she wasn't wearing anything. I was still in my sweat shorts and runners however.
"You're gorgeous" I admitted as I watched her pull her hair around over her shoulder to fall down her chest
"Thank you" she smiled softly as a tint of pink flushed her cheeks
"We should probably get home soon" as much as I didn't want to leave this moment I knew it was going to be quite the journey back considering how dark it had already gotten.
"If you shift we would be back at yours in less than half an hour" she twirled a strand of hair around her finger while the other hand rested on my thigh
"I don't know how to shift" I told her as I threw a blade of grass at her I had been playing with
"Oh no, not the grass!" She joked as she defended herself
"Oh yes, it's coming to get you" I laughed as I plucked and threw another one at her
"Race you" she challenged as she got up and sprinted off into the woods.
"No fair, wolfy" I grunted as I grabbed our clothes and got up then started jogging in the direction she had gone off in.
I heard her giggles not too far off so I broke into a run, surprisingly enough, I could still see pretty well. Maybe it's not that dark after all? I saw Alexis by a tree and as I approached her she went behind another one then came out as her wolf, the black eyes still glowing. She then continued with a jog while I started running again trying to catch up to her. Come on Luka. I heard her so quietly in my head.
"I can hear you, but you're so quiet" I called out
Push yourself, you just need to commit to it baby. I could practically hear her smile as she spoke softly in my head.
Commit. Push myself and commit. I started pushing myself to run faster than I have before and as I felt like my legs were falling behind I pushed harder. I felt the tress begin to pass by me as I weaved in and out of them easily missing them all despite it being near midnight in a forest. Go Luka! Alexis called as if she were right next to me. And then I felt it.

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