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- 𝙰𝚕𝚎𝚡𝚒𝚜'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅 -

This was good. Luka told me earlier that he was craving some weird pizza that he used to get back in his home town, which of course is always a good sign with the transformations. Apparently my mother was terrible with her weird food cravings when she was turned. Here are the things I've noticed in Luka since I turned him, he's almost doubled his speed and can keep up with me easily (though he still can't run for as long) and he is able to move some pretty heavy things that even I have struggled with. He also has been getting worked up and showing more emotions and now the food cravings. The thing I don't understand is, Father told me it usually only takes about two weeks before the first shift. It's been over 6 weeks since I first turned him and he's only showing small signs that should be showing in the first week. I couldn't have done it wrong or he would be dead, right? It's not like I can just go and ask Father. The second I got home he could smell Luka's blood and started drilling me with questions until I blurted it out. And look where that got me!
If he doesn't turn soon I may have to try and get some information from an old friend or something.
"Deep in thought Alexis?" Luka chuckled, pulling me from my head
"A little. Did I ignore you?"
"Nah, I was just saying we're almost there" he flashed his teeth with a smile before he pulled the car over and turned it off. I looked out the window and saw a row of shops down either side of the road with different coloured lights in the windows advertising the different foods available.
"Cute" I said quietly as I grabbed my black leather jacket and got out. Luka, in his tight black skinny jeans with rips in the most perfect places and a loose white shirt came to my side and held a hand out, of which I happily took.
"Just wait, this Pizza is crazy good"
"I can practically see you drooling"
"Shut up" he laughed as he held the door to an old pizza shop.
"Luka! My boy!" A guy with short black hair called as he put the phone down.
"Hey Jake, what's up dude?" Luka replied as he linked hands and bumped shoulders with him.
The two held a boring conversation about the new school and town after a brief introduction of me then Luka asked for 'the old hotballs' to which Jake started becoming overly excited over. After 10 minutes Luka and I were sitting down eating an actually incredible pizza consisting of meatballs and chopped up hotdog pieces.
"I'm surprised, when you opened the box it looked terrible, but, the flavours work so well together" I admitted as I watched Luka grin, his sparkly emerald eyes lighting up.
"I told you. It's so worth the day out. I think I'll even get another to take home" he laughed as he put the now empty box in the bin.
"Okay, well while you're doing that, I'm going to go to the toilet and I'll meet you out the front" I smiled softly then kissed his cheek before I headed off to the bathroom.
As I was ready to walk out the door I felt my phone ringing in my pocket.
"Hello?" I asked as I answered the unknown number
"Alexis? It's your father" he started, in his usual grumpy old man tone.
"There's been another attack on a boy at your school. What did I tell you-"
"Father, it wasn't me. I'm not even in town. You know I only acted out for Luka because he's my mate!" I cut off
"You're a rogue now Alexis. I can never be too cautious"
"Seriously Father, you've no trust in me"
"You're right, I don't. But I need to keep my pack safe. I see I've made a mistake calling you"
Before I could even think of a smart ass comeback he had hung up on me.
"Typical asshole" I muttered as I pushed the bathroom door open.
"Wow Lukey, have you been working out? You're looking totally hot" a woman's voice said in an extremely thirsty manner.
"A little, I guess? I mean, I've been running a lot more" Luka replied in his gentle embarrassed tone
I walked around the corner to see a short blonde girl in front of Luka running her fingers across my mates shoulders and arms.
Who the fuck does she think she is
"What do you say, come with me to practice? For old times sake?" She said sweetly, batting her eyes and twirling her hair around her finger.
Is this bitch really flirting with my mate, in front of me?!
"Hey Luka, ready to go?" I asked as I stepped up behind the blonde.
"Yeah, I got the goods" he grinned, holding up another two pizza boxes
"That's my man. Let's get them home" I added and started towards the door, ignoring the short girl who barely reached my shoulders let alone Luka's chest
"Excuse me, I think you must be new around here. Im Lily, and that" she started
"Is my Luka" she ended as she linked her arm around his.
"Lil, I'm not yours" Luka said softly as he gently wriggled his arm from her.
"Come on Lukey, let's get out of here" she whined
"Lukey?" I questioned as she stormed passed me, Luka in hand.
"Sorry" he cringed as he followed.
Excuse me?!
I walked outside and stared at luka, eyebrows raised. I know I'm not about to wolf out on some bimbo that thinks she can steal my man.
"I should get going Lily, plus I'm sure you have plenty of other boys you can take to practice"
Why are you being so gentle with her Luka? Why do you have to be so kindhearted?
"Well duh, but you've been working out so I'm sure the sex will be better" Lily stated, as if she no longer cared.
"Oh trust me babes, the sex is incredible" I added with a wink. I must have hit a nerve as her jaw dropped and her brows creased
"Excuse me?" She questioned, squaring up to me
"You should see him working out, ugh, drool" I trailed
"Then after he's all sweaty? Hot, steamy, shower sex" I whispered as I ran my tongue over my lips.
"Alexis" Luka laughed, a blush over his cheeks
"Are you cheating on me?" Lily questioned, turning to Luka
"We're not even together? You literally slept with someone the night I left"Luka replied.
"The night before you left actually" she corrected.
"Why are you so upset then?" I asked
"Fuck you both. I'm so done here!" Lily stormed off away from us as Luka kissed me with a smile
"That steamy shower scene sounds fun" Luka laughed as we walked back to the car.
"Hey, I was just trying to piss her off. Who does she think she is? Flirting with my mate in front of me?" I questioned back.
When Luka didn't reply I looked around to find he had stopped walking and was staring across the road.
"Hey, what's up?" I asked as I walked back to him. His posture had stiffened and his brows were threaded showing he wasn't happy about something though, looking out I couldn't see anything.
"It's my dad" he said softly. I looked across the road at the group of men talking and spotted a bald man with dark green eyes. He had broad shoulders and was quite tall like Luka only much older
"What's he doing here?" I asked quietly as I felt my wolf start to stir.
Bad. Bad. Bad. My wolf repeated softly in the back of my mind
"I don't know. We should go" Luka replied as he started walking back to the car.
I looked back at the man across the street to see him staring at Luka, anger clear on his face. I caught up to Luka and took his hand before quickening our pace.
"Why is he here? He's meant to be working. That's why he wasn't home" Luka questioned after we got into the car
"He's such a dick. Mum is at home thinking he's been called off to work away again but he's just out here getting drunk with his mates as he always does!" He continued, tightening his hands around the steering wheel.
"Let's just head home and get these pizzas in the fridge before they go bad" I suggested as I gently rubbed his thigh
"Yeah, you're right" he sighed and started the car. I looked back to where his father had been and saw no one, though my wolf was still on high alert.
We're not safe

The Unexplained TransformationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora