𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑘'𝑠 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑒

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This morning I had woken up quite early and after a shower and change of clothes I was out the door and on my way down the street. I was currently rolling down passed where I thought I had seen the school, but I'm guessing I missed a turn somewhere. I ended up finding a small store where I got myself some food before spotting a skate park down the road.
I spent about an hour skating around the empty bowl before jumping up and sitting on the edge to finish my drink and some chips.
"We got some fresh meat, boys!" I heard someone call from behind. Turning around I saw three guys walking over. The two on either sides were a little shorter with dirty blonde, shoulder length hair while the one in the middle, whom I assume is the one who called out, was a taller, dark haired and blue eyed guy. They also looked to be about my age.
"Hang on a minute, you're the one that moved in down Wilson Street, aren't you" the darker haired one said in the same voice from earlier.
"Yeah, just moved in yesterday" I said as I began packing up my bag
"Nah dude,we're all good. Names Conor. This is Mick and that's Daniel" he said as he pointed to each of the boys next to him.
"You starting school tomorrow? Last year for us" Mick asked in a lower tone.
"Yeah I am actually. Last year for me too"
"Well bud, Looks like we are going to see each other again" Conor replied. He walked over to me and held his hand out as I stood up. I shook his hand and noticed his firm grip.
"You wouldn't be able to tell me which way the school is, would you?" I questioned
"Down to the right then it's on your left" Conor said, pointing down the street.
"Cheers, see you there" I nodded and started heading away from the skatepark in the direction he had pointed at, slightly hoping they would stay back. Conor seems to lead the bullies by the looks of it and they all seem like people I'd rather avoid. I already deal with my own parents treating me like garbage, I don't need it at school too.

* * * * * * * *

After wondering the school and getting my bearings I had headed home where I found a truck full of extra furniture including a new couch, a few sets of drawers and other things. After going inside and moving the few things of mine up to my bedroom I crashed onto the bed and fell asleep almost immediately.
I woke up the next morning and got myself ready for school. After a shower I put on some torn up black skinny jeans I had been wearing for a few years now, with a plain white tee and a faded blue denim jacket, then brushed my teeth and fixed my hair before grabbing my bag and board and heading out the door. I made my way to school and saw Conor and his two body guards talking to a few other guys and decided to avoid them for now. I clipped my board onto my bag and headed for the office.
"Luka Stone" I told the old lady behind the desk with a kind smile.
"Ah, yes, thank you dear" she hummed as she collected different papers and books.
"Okay Darl, down the corridor, second on your left. Come here anytime if you need anything"
She handed me some paperwork and a notebook then I headed off for my first class.
The school was pretty big, yet quite a bit smaller than my old one. The classrooms were in sets all kind of surrounding the large open grass fields with markings laid out for different sports. Like the rest of the town, the forest came right up to the edge of the school grounds with a small, broken fence between them.
I headed into the first class that was mostly full and found a seat near the window.
"Luka, right?" A familiar voice says while pulling a chair out.
I look to my right to find Conor sitting down next to me, a smile across his face.
"Yeah, Conor?" I questioned
"Yeah, Anyway, turns out we have quite a few classes together!" He put his hand out for a fist bump to which I returned.
"Meet us after school out on Rook's Lane and I'll show you around town"

* * * * * * * *

School went by pretty quickly, and, Conor was right, we did have most classes together. We sat next to each other and he told me about the different groups at the school, including who to avoid. So far, he has been pretty chill, but I am the new guy so who knows how long it will last. I also met a guy named Ryan, who was in all the same classes as me and didn't like Conor much. I was now rounding the corner onto Rook's Lane which was on the very edge of town. At the very end of the street I saw a broken down house that had to be at least 3 stories high. Most of the windows were broken and boarded, the garden well overgrown and the forest trees seems to creep down the street making it look as though the house was in the forest.
I wondered up to the front door, looking around for Connor or his mates only to find the door ajar. I gently pushed it open and called out.
"Hello?" I asked as I stepped inside. The place was dusty which meant I could see footprints on the chipped floorboards. They were scattered all over, some boots and what looked like large paw prints. I'd assume some animals get in here pretty easy with how broken down it is, I thought.
I wondered around the large room looking at the old and empty picture frames hanging, dangling and laying around before I noticed the sun was setting outside. There was no way I had been here that long? I reached for my phone in my pocket to check the time only to find it had gone flat. Suddenly I heard some rustling from one of the back rooms along with what sounded like nails, clicking on the floorboards. A low rumble sounded through the house, as I started to back up towards the door, my eyes fell on a pair of bright green eyes that seemed to be glowing.
I reached behind me to find the door handle right as I heard a growl come from beside me. I spun my head around to see, what looked like, a large, tan coloured wolf. It was almost up to my chest in height, much taller than I thought they usually grew to. It's eyes were an electric blue in colour and I could have sworn it was smiling at me.
"I'm surprised you came, Luka" came the familiar voice of Conor, from the back room. I snapped my head back towards the direction I had first seen the green eyes.
Conor stood before me, shirtless and muddy, with his hair messy. I turned my head again to look for the wolf only to find Daniel standing there, also dirty.
"Come on Conor, just say the word! Mick is starved" he whined as he shoved my shoulder.
I straightened up and glared at him, my fists clenching tightly by my sides.
"Mother always told me not to play with my food" Conor started, as he walked closer to me.
"But I can't help it Luka, it tastes better when it's scared" he added while running his thumb across his lips.
"Get him" he commanded.
Before I even had a chance to move I felt a hard hit to my side that knocked me to the ground. I looked up at two sets of blue eyes staring at me before I felt sharp pain shoot through my chest. I cried out in pain as fire shot through my body and looked down to see a large paw dragging it's way down my chest, nails ripping my skin apart. I squirmed as much as I could, but it made no difference. I was out numbered and had no strength against the overgrown dog above me. I felt myself falling into unconsciousness as an evil laugh ripped through my ears and echoed though my head.
"Fresh meat, boys" Conor spat, venom dripping from his words, as everything went black.

The Unexplained TransformationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora