𝑆𝑜 𝑀𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑄𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠

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I ran my hands through my hair, rinsing out the left over soap as the hot water ran down my back and covered my face. My body had been aching for the last six days which Alexis had put down to me 'shifting' but I think it's related to the whole falling from a broken window onto solid, hard earth thing.
"You almost ready Luka?" Alexis called from the bathroom door softly
"Yeah" I mumbled as I turned the water off and threw the towel over my face.
I quickly dried my face off before scruffing the towel through my hair then wrapping it around my waist and opened the door to see Alexis in a simple black dress that reached half way down her thigh and some black lace up boots.
"You don't look ready" she smiled, her eyes trailing along the towel
"My clothes are on my bed"
Alexis took my hand and lead me to my bedroom where the black suit was laid neatly. I quietly got myself dressed as Alexis tied her hair up with a two braids down either side connecting at the back before coming and helping with my tie
"I'll be right next you the whole time. You let me know if it gets too much and we can leave, okay?" She reassured as she tightened it around my neck and brushed my hair with her fingers
"Thank you" I said softly with a faint smile.
The funeral was being held back in our home town, as that's where most of mums friends were and I felt it would have been better for her. Our drive was quiet as Alexis sat holding my free hand and the radio hummed in the background.
Once we arrived we walked in and sat in our allocated seats in the front row and a dozen people filled in behind us with their tissues wiping their eyes and noses. At first I was mostly feeling empty, But once I felt Alexis tighten her hand on mine, I started to feel annoyed as the people behind us began to whisper
"I heard the whole thing was planned. I've been expecting something tragic with the way they carried on when they thought no one was listening""Oh it's just terrible. I couldn't imagine, I trust my husband with my life" "you can't say that, Susan!" "Do you think the kid was in on it?" "Oh of course not, he was hardly home"
The celebrant cleared his throat to quieten the small crowed before starting the eulogy
"Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to pay your respects to sweet Nicole, I'm sure she appreciates you all. Before we get started I'd just like for you all to take a moment and remember the times you shared as we listen and watch" he waved his hand behind him as a projector started to play a slideshow of some photos with a plucking guitar sounding in the background.
After the two minute video and his 15 minute speech about how 'wonderful' she had been throughout her life he asked if anyone had anything they wanted to share. A few of mums friends had attempted a speech though they all ended early because they were too 'distraught' to continue. Eye roll.

After we were covered by the trees Alexis took my hand and stopped walking
"Do you mind if I shift while we run?" She asked softly as she ran her hands up my chest to my neck
"No, I don't mind" I said as I ran my hands to her hips. Her face lit up with a smile and she took the shorts off and handed them to me before walking behind me where she then draped her underwear and bra over my shoulders. I balled the clothes up before I felt fur against my waist and looked down to see the gorgeous light brown wolf with her black eyes nudge me gently.
"You're pretty cute, aren't you" I said as I ran my fingers through the fur on her head. She walked around me, keeping contact the whole way around before nuzzling in under my hand against my side.
"If you're trying to get me to shift you're wasting your time" I grumbled as I started walking. She remained on my side, nudging my hand trying to keep it on her fur at all times.
"You're a needy wolf" I teased as I lifted my hand above my head to which she hopped up on her back legs trying to reach it before rubbing up against my side instead.
"This is so weird. Do I just keep talking to you? Do you even understand me? Do I pat you like I'd pat a dog? Or is there something else you'd prefer? I have so many questions" I sighed.
Alexis sat in front of me and looked up at me, her black eyes seeming so pure.
"I'll just ask you when I see you next"
She growled and got up and wandered off behind some trees
"I'm sorry, that's not what I meant!" I called as I went after her
"You can talk to me. I hear you. I'm replying to you, though, you can't hear me. And yes, I like the pats. I'm sorry I keep touching you, I don't have full control of the strong emotions and your touch helps keep me grounded" Alexis spoke softly as I found her hand resting on a tree nearby.
"I'm sorry I upset you, I just meant the next time we could speak together" I gently ran my hand over hers, leaving the tree between us
"Once you're more in tune with your wolf side you'll be able to hear me"
"How do I do that? I want to learn"

The Unexplained TransformationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ