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As quick as she came in, she left. The warmth I had pressed against my bare back, her breath down my spine, her soft lips brushing my skin, her hands toying with the waistband of my boxers, gone as quick as it started. I turned to look out the window as my bedroom door flung open, revealing a very angry Nicole.
"You're late for school. I'm not paying for you to not attend Luka" she snapped.
"Sorry mum" I said quietly and I pulled some jeans on and started looking for a shirt.
"Your dad will be staying out of town for work for longer than we first anticipated. Something about an extra long trip" she huffed as she started to pull the door closed again.
"You have a present sitting on the kitchen bench. Happy Birthday, Luka" she admitted quietly before pulling the door closed.
I stood there for a few moments, dumbfounded. In my now 18 years not once have I heard mum say Happy Birthday. Let alone get me a present. I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and headed down the stairs. Sure enough, sat on top of the kitchen counter was a small brown box with a blue ribbon stuck on top. I picked it up as I heard mum in her room fiddling with something metal and headed upstairs where I found her pulling dads belt out of his jeans to fold them.
"Thanks Mum" I said softly
"I hope you like them, they are very sentimental to my family"
She continued to fold and put away the last few things whilst I opened the small box. Inside were a set of old dog tags with the names 'Arthur' and 'Benjamin' engraved on one while 'George' and 'Luka' were on the other.
"Thank you" I said again as I gently took them out and hung them over my neck.
"Who are they?" I questioned quietly
"George was my father. Benjamin his uncle and Arthur was his father. My grandfather, your great grandfather. The dates are when they were born. Yours are there too" she gently picked them up and looked over them before letting them fall against my chest and resting a hand on my shoulder.
"Your father, he makes it hard for us to be a family. But, Luka, I do love you. He does too, I'm sure of it" I felt her hope on the last sentence as she walked passed me and headed down the stairs.
"Luka, I have to go up the street, would you like me to drop you off at school?" I heard her call out
"Oh, yeah I'm pretty much ready. I'll be down in a minute" I called back. I put the box down in my room and grabbed my bag before jumping in the car with mum.
It was a short trip to school and we didn't talk at all. She pulled up just out the front and I hopped out and we said goodbye before I headed into the building.
"Everyone is so loud today" I said to Ryan as we walked into our first class.
"Everyone is loud everyday" he joked as we sat down.
The sounds of people talking were ringing through my ears and if I thought that was loud I had a whole other thing coming. The bell rang to signal the start of class and I near jumped out of my seat with how loud it was.
"You getting sick or something, Luka?" Ryan asked as I winced at the pain in my ears from the bell
"I don't know. It's like, everything is just ringing though my skull"
"Maybe you should head to the nurse after class?"
"Yeah, I might. Hopefully it goes away" I wished as the teacher started the class.
The class drained on and the teacher smelt of coffee and burnt toast which just added to the insane volume of the day so far. After class finished I walked out into the hall where I saw Alexis leaning next to my locker.
"Hey you" she said with a smile as I opened up the locker and started swapping my books around.
"Hey yourself" I returned her smile as I closed the locker door.
"Well, well, would you look at that. The outcast is trying to flirt with the new kid" Conor joked as he walked over to us with his two little bodyguards.
"It's okay Luka. I'll help you out" he added as he stood between us.
"Fuck off Conor. I'm really not in the mood to deal with you" Alexis said as she tried to walk around him only to be blocked by him as he stepped sideways
"Naughty, Naughty. You should know not to use such vulgar words, Miss Moore" I could feel his hatred as he spoke to her as if she was the dirt beneath his feet.
"Leave her alone Conor. She can do whatever she wants" I said, causing him to turn around and stare at me
"It's alright Luka. You don't know the little bitch. Trust me, you don't want to be hanging around that Mutt" the words came out of his mouth like venom dripping from a snake and I felt my anger rising as my hands balled into fists and my jaw clenched tight.
"I'd watch what you say Conor, you might get hurt. How's your wrist, by the way?" Alexis came and stood next to me with a smirk on her face while Conor quickly backed down.
"Come on Luka. He's not worth it" she took my hand and we walked outside and towards the oval.
I felt my body heating up as I thought about the shit he said. The hatred in his voice and the things he had called her. How dare he speak to her like that? Call her those names? Who does he think he is? A rage inside me was brewing and I was sure Alexis could sense it. Alexis looked around before pulling me off behind a few buildings where it was quiet as I started pacing, my hands turning white from how tight I was holding them.
"It's okay Luka" Alexis said softly
"No it's not!" I yelled as my fist connected with the brick wall. I watched as cracks spread out like a spiders web and some small pieces crumbled down. Alexis quickly picked up my hand a pulled a few pieces of brick out of the now bleeding knuckles.
"You're angry. I get it. But trust me Luka, you really need to try and calm down right now" she put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. As I felt myself slowly calming down the bell rung again. The loud noise piercing through my eardrums. I covered my ears as my knees gave way and I dropped to the ground. Alexis grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the fence where we jumped over and she bolted into the forest, pulling me along beside her.

The Unexplained TransformationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang