I am determined. 

I am a warrior. 

I am the Goddess' warrior. 

I chanted over and over in my mind. My warms swing backwards and forwards. My body picked up momentum. I felt power beyond my imagination. The energy hummed through my body. I was nearly there. It was then that I felt my body come to a halt. 

You done it! Amira shouted with glee. 

I exhaled with relief. Waiting for Carson to catch up with me I hunched over, my hands on my knees. A mixture of sweat and rain coated my skin, my arms were glistening like morning dew. Although I was exhausted, I was satisfied. I could hear the pounding of his steps get closer and I knew that I didn't just beat him by a couple of seconds. I had annihilated  him by mere minutes. 

"Well looks like you finally beat me." Carson said nonchalantly. I didn't even look at him, I thought he would have been happy I succeeded in my training but all I could sense was his irritation. 

"Yes I did. I thought you would be happy. I mean I thought that was what the idea of you training me was about. You know, being successful and all." I huffed out trying to catch my breath. He didn't say anything all he did was groan. 

I was waiting for his retort or snappy comment but he said nothing. All that could be heard was the whisper of the wind.Although he didn't speak and I couldn't see his face. His back was tensed, his shoulders were almost at his ears. I couldn't understand the man in front of me. 

"Carson." I huffed. "What is your problem with me?" I bravely asked. 

"Nothing." He snapped. I could hear the faint growl in his voice. 

"Carson, I can tell you don't like me. I just can't understand why. I have never met you before and I have tried nothing but to be pleasant towards you." I said as I straightened my back upwards. 

"You have no idea what you are talking about." He turned to me, his wolf was present. I could see him fighting for dominance as his once light eyes were now dark, his nostrils was flaring and I could clearly see the scowl on his face. 

"Well why don't you explain it to me. It looks like I'm going to be here a while. I won't stay if I am making you uncomfortable or are planning my downfall. I've already done this in one pack, I won't do it in another." I exclaimed. 

His chest started to become laboured and I could see that he was losing whatever control he had. His fingers were extending and claws were replacing them. I know I should feel intimidated or threatened but that just diminished at the disrespect that he was showing me. I could feel Amira growling at his disrespect. The power she was radiating was no longer something I cowered away from or felt sick about. I allowed it resonate through my body. 

It's then that Carson charged at me with speed and agility. His movements were swift as the wind as he ran in my direction. All I could do was breath deeply as he got closer. His claws extended and his momentum pushed forward when I pushed my body to the side. I missed his claws by millimetres as he stumbled to the ground. 

All that could be heard was his nails digging into the earth below. I felt Amira grow angry at the threat that laid in front of us. A battle-cry escaped with his lips as he twisted his body around, his nails that were shovelled into the ground working as a pivot. He was crouched and I could feel his eagerness to pounce. His breathing was ragged as he looked at me in contempt. 

"Carson, you should stand down now." I warned. 

He chuckled darkly, his eyes kept flickering but the darkness in his iris were prominent. I knew his wolf was in control and I understood he wasn't going to back down. He was directly challenging me. 

Let me out. Let me deal with the fool that dares threaten my human. Amira growled. 

Remember the blood oath we took Amira. We can't cause him harm! I warned. 

I won't kill him, but if he doesn't stop or back down, I can still maim him. Amira replied. 

"You have no idea what your doing to me." Carson screeched. I could hear the anguish laced in voice. It was filled with pain and for some unknown reason I had caused this. 

"Carson I don't want to hurt you. But we will if you don't step down now!" I shouted. I hoped someone would be alerted to what was going on. I didn't want be responsible for causing harm or killing the Mallaper's Beta. 

He jumped from his position, preparing to pounce, his feet were spread apart, his knees bent and ready to corner his prey. It was then that I pushed myself back and allowed Leyla to have the control she desperately sought. 

I knew our eyes didn't change when she took control for the bond that we shared was too fine and too close, it caused us to be one. All I could feel was Amira emit a powerful aura. She directly her newfound confidence, control and domination in the direction at the reckless Beta in front of her. I hoped it was enough for him to back down but some things were beyond Amira's control. We couldn't trust or rely on our power to affect other's decisions. We were beyond responsible for the actions of others. Everyone had free-will and it wasn't something we could change. 

I could see Carson struggle at ignoring Amira's presence, his head continuously shifting from challenging by looking at us in the eye or pushing his neck out for submission. Amira was weary, she was concerned that his attempts of submission was just a trick. It's then that he lifted his head and swiftly charged for a second time. 

As he approached, Amira grabbed him by the neck. She lifted him in the air and his feet dangled as she held him above her head. I could feel her rage as she stared into the eyes of the Beta in front of her. 


The Beta lifted his hands to his throat, he tried to pry my hands from my tightening grip. His attempts were futile as I demanded his submission. 


 His head hung and the faintest whisper of his croaked voice could be head. "Yes Leyla."I released my grip causing him to drop to the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" Rita shouted from the tree's surrounding the clearing.

The Mallapers Are Rising: A Rejected Werewolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now