Chapter 32

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I snatch the envelope out of his hand as we move away from the dancing couples.

I open the letter to read the identical silver writing from the ones I'd received.

Retrieve with Elide
Vriocas Ahor
at the Ashenmane

Alexios' letter had no rhymes or jokes , it was straight to the point.

"Do these names mean anything to you?"

"Yeah" he replies distantly "What has he said to you?"

"He wants me to find something for him"

"How romantic "He laughs "Here I was thinking you might actually have been enjoying your selves" he says suggestively.

I glare at him "Why would he involve you in this?"

He raises a brow "Jealous?" He then puts an arm around my shoulder "Don't be so territorial Elide trust me I want nothing to do with your boy"

I shake off his arm , and take of my hat.

"He hates you "I say "This must be important , tell me what your letter means" I beg.

He looks down at me as if considering whether i am worth a breath before he says "Vriocas Ahor was a royal treasure , it was an ancient dagger passed down in my family , I gave it to Conner on his 16th birthday"

"Yeah" I nod rubbing my forehead "he told me to find his dagger"

He continues "Ashenmane is a small cave by the crystal lake where we would spend time with our friends"

I nod , it was so weird to think Conner and Alex have been friends their whole lives , they are so different.

But then again , so are Alexios and Ben.

"Sooo should we go?"

He considers this for a moment and then nods "You're right , If he is resorting to me then I assume it's important , I just don't know why he's asking you to come along too"

So Alexios does still care for Conner.

I nod "I just need to go grab my cloak from my room"

He rolls his eyes but he follows me anyway.

We were silent on the way to my room , me walking a pace ahead of him.

Ignoring his obnoxiously loud footsteps I come to the conclusion there must be more to what Conner is doing than a date.

"Hey this can't just be just some creative date idea right? "I say still ahead of him "Otherwise he wouldn't have be spend the night with some other dude , there's got to be more to it than that"

He scoffs from behind me "Or maybe he's just really confident in his date , or shouldn't he be?" He teases.

I ignore his pathetic attempt at baiting me as I reach my room , I pull out my keys to open my door but I'm disgusted to find a couple aggressively making out against my white door.

The prince stops very close behind me that I could feel his breath against my head.

"Julia" He says brightly.

A crown of flamesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें