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It was Jay and Sunghoon!

Sunghoon saw the gang and waved at them. They waved back and invited the two to join them. After convincing Jay, Sunghoon agreed.

They went inside and just enjoyed the afternoon. They visited the arcade and played for atleast an hour. Then, they stopped to eat.

"Guys, what do you want to eat?" Heeseung asked.

"I want some ramen."

"Me too."

"I want tteokbokki."

"I want some bulgogi."

"Okay, okay. I know a restaurant that sells Japanese and Korean food. Come on follow me." Heeseung said pointing at a direction.

They all followed Heeseung to the restaurant. As they arrived at the place, they ordered different things.

"Wow hyung this place is beautiful." Jungwon said admiring the place.

There were lots of lanterns, origamis are all over the place, and the tables are separated by walls. It was so heavenly. Everyone was satisfied with the place.

After the meal they decided to get some ice cream. They finished their desserts and decided to stay at the mall a little longer. They went their separate ways and just decided to meet up in an hour.

Jake and Sunghoon went to the mall's garden.

Sunoo and Niki decided to go back to the arcade.

While Jay, Jungwon and Heeseung went shopping. (Heeseung the national thirdwheel😅)

Jungwon was so shy because he is with Jay, so he hides behind Heeseung while walking.

"Jay, right?" Heeseung asked.

"Mmm..." Jay nodded.

'He is really unsociable'. Heeseung thought. "So, why did you decide to come with us?"


"Oh, okay"

Heeseung looked at Jungwon with a face saying 'Wow. He's worse than I thought, how can you like him?'

Jungwon displayed an 'I told you so' face, as if he can read the older's mind.

They arrived at a clothing store and looked around. As they chose the clothes that they liked they went to the fitting room. While the three of them are waiting, Heeseung went to the bathroom.

"Guys, I'll just go to the bathroom real quick."

Jungwon shook his head repeatedly.

"I'll be back soon. Enjoy." Heeseung winked.

The two of them were alone waiting. Jungwon started a conversation with Jay.

"S-so when-n are you f-free?"

Jay was confused. "Hmm?"

"I-I mean we need to... umm... s-start doingourproject..." Jungwon was so nervous and embarrassed as he uttered those words.


"Oh, o-okay. What time do you want to... umm... m-meet?"

"9 a.m..."

"S-sure, o-okay then, S-saturday at 9 in school?"



"I said we meet here."

"O-oh, oka-y. Y-yeah sure."

Heeseung came back and they tried their clothes on. They paid at the cashier and went to their meeting place on time. They met with Sunki and Jakehoon. Heeseung noticed that everyone are blushing except for him and Jay.

"What's with you guys? Did someone slapped all of you real hard?" Heeseung said as he raised one of his brows.

"W-what do you mean hyung?" Sunoo asked as he looked down.

"Well, I guess all of you are in lOvE. If only you can see your faces right now, you might think that someone slapped you real hard without you knowing it." Heeseung said as he rolled his eyes.

All of them got embarrased at Heeseung's word.

"L-let's just go home, I bet everyone's tired already." Niki said while fidgeting his fingers.

All of them agreed and bid farewell with each other. Jayhoon went separate ways with them as their houses are from different directions.

Saturday came...

Jungwon was excited as his date with Jay is today. A-ah I mean project...yeah it is about the PROJECT and not a DATE!(?)

Jungwon was having a life-or-death situation. He CANNOT choose what clothes to wear. "A shirt and jeans? No too plain...A suit? Nooo! too formal... A coat? A-ahhh I don't know!" His mind was about to explode, suddenly he thought of calling Heeseung.

"HEESEUNG-HYUNGGG!" he shouted on the phone.

"Arghh! What's up so early in the morning and you're calling me already and please DONT SHOUT, I think my brain was shaken out of place!"

"Sorry... hyung"

"So tell me what is it?"

"I have a d-date with Jay."


"Ahh! Hyung dont shout too." Jungwon said as he pouted.

"Ah...sorry. But, are you telling the truth?"

"Yes, hyung. Remember when you left me with him the other day."

"Ohooo. My son has smooth moves."

"Well it's not exactly a date tho."

"Well, that's fine as long as you spend time with him. So why did you call?"

"Hyung...what do you think I should wear?"

"I think you look best in a hoodie."

"Oh really thank you hyung. Hoodie it is then. Love you hyung, you're the best."

Jungwon listened to his hyung and wore a hoodie

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Jungwon listened to his hyung and wore a hoodie.

He was all ready. He called a taxi and went to the mall. There he saw Jay standing beside the mall entrance. He called for Jay and Jay waved at him.

Jay was also wearing a hoodie.

For the first time, Jay realized how cute and pretty Jungwon is

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For the first time, Jay realized how cute and pretty Jungwon is. 'Wow! I guess he really is the campus' cutie for a reason' Jay thought.

"Jay? Jayy?"

I'll be your Nightlight | Jaywon ffWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu