Chapter Four

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Izuku woke up to the sun glaring right at his face. His nose scrunched up, rolling on to his side, away from the sun. He sighed happily, snuggling more into the blanket.

He sat up, sniffing the air. It smelled like freshly cooked chocolate pancakes.... Pancakes?... Chocolate?

His eyes opened, hissing as the sun shined directly to his eyes. He blindly got off the bed, stumbling into his parents bathroom. And started to wash his face and brush his teeth with his toothbrush from when he was a kid, which he didn't know was still there behind the mirror. Chocolate pancakes can't wait any longer.

He almost ran down the stairs if it wouldn't be for his dad walking up said stairs.

"Good morning, son." He placed a kiss on his head before ruffling his hair softly. Izuku pouted as it got even more messy, almost identical to his dad's bed hair which he still has.

"Good morning, is it chocolate pancakes I smell?" He asked, just to be sure though he wouldn't really doubt his sense of smell.

His dad heartily laughed, "Yes, yes it is. Now let's go down before your mom starts nibbling all of it." His dad whispered the last part, peeking down the stairs just in case his mom was standing there.

He giggled, quietly nodding in agreement before his dad playfully pinched his cheek. "Ow, that hurts dad!"

"Heh, I can't help it. Your cheeks looks so squishy." His dad reached out again, hoping to pinch his baby fats but he docked down a little before jogging down the rest of the stairs. Running until he's just outside the kitchen, he stopped and walked in calmly.

His mom has a rule ever since Tenko and him broke lots of plates when they were still kids. No running in the kitchen.

He couldn't remember how they managed to break so many plates but they did. Their mom was so worried she almost fainted. Thankfully, Dad was there and fixed everything just like he would always do.

His mom sat on her place, slowly reading from her phone. It must be about her work. He walked up to her, giving her a kiss to her cheek. Saying good morning before almost skipping to his seat.

His dad walked in right after, smiling widely. He sat down at his seat, picking up the news paper and flipping through it before settling on a page.

They sat quietly, the atmosphere was warm and comfortable. Not even a storm could ruin their mood.

Well, a talk about school sure would but hopefully they wouldn't talk about it anytime soon.

His dad folded the paper after Izuku was done with his pancakes, his mom was already done.

"So," he placed his elbows on the table, fingers linked together, "We have to talk about what you'll be doing after school." He gave Izuku a look.

"Y-yeah, well, seeing as most of the jobs these days really requires someone who has, uhm, a quirk. I'll just, uh, evenbeingacoprequirsaquirk, if I somehow got in it would be hell for sure, so maybe opening my own business? No, no,.... Maybe? Being a hero is surely out of the question...."

Izuku mumbled on and on, his parents looking at him fondly. Hisashi could practically see his brain overheating.

He placed his hand on top of his sons mop of hair, waking him from his mumbling fest. "Calm down, we'll figure it out."

"Maybe we could start listing off things that you would like to try," his mom said, smiling softly, "don't you have lists of what you would like to try, Izuku? The one you wrote when you were ten?"

He furrowed his brow, looking up to try and remember where he put it. His eyes lit up, he snapped his finger and got up quickly.

Speed walking out of the kitchen he ran up to his room. Opening the door and dashing to the bottom drawer or his dresser. The one which he used to store his other notebooks, clipboards and many more.

He pulled out a few and checked three clipboards before finally pulling out what his mom meant.

Excited, he ran down the stairs, almost slipping on the last one. He showed up smiling brightly, bright yellow clipboard in hand.

"Found it!" He flopped down on his chair again, excitedly flipping through the papers, "I wrote it here somewhere,"

He carefully pulled a sheet off and placed it on top, "Let's see..."

His dad peeped at the paper, being the closest to it while his mom looked on curiously.

"Pizza place?" Izuku's eyes widens, snorting softly, "Nope." He popped the letter p and shook his head.

Both parents laughed softly, liking how excited he is about the idea of having his own place to manage.

"Flower shop," he looked on thoughtfully, "Possible. But I don't really know much about flowers, and I can't surely make them stay alive." His mom snorted at that, remembering his flower 'frawer'. A plant a seven year old tried to take care of.

He listed off many more, some gaining approving noises, two got confused expressions, and five got a snort or a full blown laugh.

His dad tapped his chin with a finger, "A cafe sounds fine, it should keep you entertained and gain money that you could use in the future." They nodded, thinking more, "Besides, it doesn't have to be forever. You could change professions when you finally decided what to do."

His mom nodded, sipping on her tea, "You could leave the cafe to your employees, its your choice Izuku." She smiled at him, "Remember, when you finally know what you want, you can do it. We'll be here."

"I know, mom, dad. Thank you." He smiled softly, eyes tearing up slightly.

"Yeah, baby bro. And maybe I'll slide in and have an hour or two of shifts." They jumped slightly, turning to look at his big brother leaning on the door frame, "just make sure to pay me good and I'll cater politely."

Izuku jumped up, running to hug his big brother, "Tenko!!"

He jumped on him, thankfully Tenko caught him.

"Wait! Izuku, I don't have my gloves on!!" He panicked, placing his baby brother down before frantically checking him over, "Where does it hurt?! Izuku tell me!"

"Nothing hurts, Tenko." Green eyes blinked up to red ones, confusion clearly written on it, "I didn't feel anything, it doesn't hurt?"

Hisashi stood up, speed walking up to his sons. He turned Izuku here and there, eyes scanning everything. His clothes were disintegrated on some parts but the skin is still intact, no injury.

"Tenko, touch him."

Both looked at him wide eyed before the blue haired male rushed out, "What!? Dad it'll hurt him, I can't do that!"

"Trust me," Hisashi glanced at him seriously, "Touch him, Tenko."

Tenko shakily raised his hand to touch his baby brothers exposed arm, he closed his eyes, waiting for the heartbreaking scream of pain..... He waited... Nothing?

Red eyes slowly peeked out, settling on his baby brothers amazed expression. He fearfully trailed his gaze to Izuku's arm, its still as smooth as ever, no disintegrated arm.

"Now, Tenko, touch this." Their dad handed him a handkerchief. He touched it and it was gone in a blink of an eye.

Both looked wide eyed, red and green meeting in a shock reaction.



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