Chapter Six

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It's been almost a month, Tenko had to leave two weeks ago but he promised to come back as soon as he can.

Izuku and his parents had been searching for the best place to set up the cafe. Flipping through pages of suitable buildings and finally choosing one.

It was spacious, enough to cover about five tables on the first floor and more on the second floor. It fits Izuku's mental image, let's pretend Hisashi didn't visit his sons mind to see his preferred place.

Its big enough to have an extra room, where Izuku could rest or possibly stay for the night.

His dad had reassured him that he had it handled and to rest. His mom also helped him think about what to sell while his dad handled remodeling.

His sold All Might figures, rare posters, and trinkets had given him lots of money. That he used to help him start his business.

Now all he had to wait for is the day he opens his dream cafe.

A month and a half later..

Izuku snored, deep into his dream. Hisashi tiptoed in, carefully peeling his sons blanket and picking said boy up.

The red eyed man carefully walked down the stairs and out the door which his wife held open.

They both got out the building fast, thankful for their sons deep sleep. Inko opened the back seat and helped Hisashi buckle their son in. They both hopped on, and out on the road they drove.

They chose to do the surprise, very, early on the morning. To surely surprise their son, having the cafe done earlier than expected.

"I'll get the camera ready..." Inko whispered, fiddling with the buttons on said camera.

"Make sure to take a video of his reaction." Hisashi glanced at his wife before focusing back on driving.

Hisashi opened the backseat door, it was still early, sunrise if you will. He softly shook his son, chuckling as Izuku just slapped his hand away.

"Izuku, wake up." He said, running his fingers through his sons hair, "We have a surprise for you." Izuku didn't even steer, he just slept on. "Your mom cooked pancakes.."

Izuku slowly sat up, blinking blearily at the sight of the car. "Pancakes..?" Was his half asleep reply.

Hisashi chuckled, ruffling his sons already ruffled hair. He carefully pulled Izuku out of the car, thankfully had brought his slippers. And guides him up to the front of the Cafe.

"So, wipe your eyes and see our surprise." Hisashi looked at his wife, seeing that she had the camera ready and with her wide smile on.

Izuku grunts but complied, he blinked once then twice. Staring at the glass windows and dark wood doors. He looked up, seeing the logo that he thought of himself, though its pretty simple and most likely used everywhere he still likes it.

The greenette's brain started to work properly, emerald eyes tearing up and wide as he stared at the building.

"Is this..." He hiccuped, crystal like tears cascading on his cheeks. He looked up at his dad, then at his mom before he full on cried his eyes out.
Hishashi and Inko chuckled, bringing him into a hug.

"Thank you... Oh, thank you!" He hugged them back just as fiercely. His tears slowly stopped until he's just sniffling.

"Well, looks like business is opening soon." Inko said, with her family and her staring up at the building.

Time skip : A year later.

The bell attached to the door chimed softly, indicating his first customer for the day. Which he knew who it was so he's by the coffee machine, making said customer's coffee.

"Good morning, Endeavor-san." Izuku greeted before handing the hero his usual coffee. He smiled up at the bright hero, lit up in literal flames.

"Morning, Midoriya." Was his usual greeting, bowing his head once before paying and having a seat by the door.

He's been a regular in this cafe a few months after it opened, since it's usually the only Cafe open at the very early hours. Sometimes on Hero Endeavor's early shift he goes here for a coffee then leaving for the day, then comes back the next day.

He's not that bad, silent and intimidating, yes, but he's never caused fights or chaos in the neutral cafe. He even plays chess or shogi with the other customers, normal netizen or villains alike, on weekends.

There are few fights in the past year, once or twice but it never happened again. And the people who caused it never came back. He wondered why.

Izuku snapped out if his thoughts when the bell chimed again, he looked up and saw his employee Shinso. Who looks tired as ever, he must have an hour or two of sleep last night.

"Morning, Shinso." The greenette welcomed the hug, Shinso staying still with his chin on Izuku's shoulder. The green eyed boy just started slowly petting his hair.

"Morning 'zuku." He grumbled before pulling away and walking into the staff room.

He came out with the color theme for the day, which was purple. Shinso' apron got a cat embroidered on it by the left of his chest.

Izuku's was a green bunny on the left side too. Tenko had joked about the apron designs, he drew bunnies on the papers and it kinda stuck. Izuku liked the idea so they made it possible.

Shinso walked around, wiping tables again and watering the flowers outside. While Izuku continued working by the counter, welcoming customers with a smile and polite way of handling them.

Everyone adored the cafe, even the owner, and frequents in it. The cafe owner doesn't care if you're enemies, long time wanted person, or anything, just don't cause chaos or destruction of property. If you did, you better expect a frying pan to the head.

Izuku looked up when Endeavor stood up, he smiled when the man nods at him once and left. He isn't really that bad.

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