Chapter Three

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His dad had frozen on his seat, knuckles white from clenching his hand too tight. His mom had sobbed, it was heart wrenching.

Hisashi stood up, walking straight to his son. Pulling him in a much needed tight hug, letting his little boy sob into his shoulder. Not caring if his expensive suit gets ruined, his son is much more important.

None of the two could see the blood lust in his red eyes. It was shining with anger.

His hand soothingly comb through his sons fluffy hair. Inko had joined the hug, giving her son light kisses on his forehead. Whispering about how brave he is for not doing it and how they are so proud of him.

"How about you sleep in our room for tonight, hm?" Inko said, eyes still flowing with tears. She carefully wiped her thumb on her sons cheek, wiping the tears away.

"We'll finish this talk tomorrow, let's all rest for tonight." Hisashi said, the dangerous glint in his eyes carefully hidden. He placed a lingering kiss on his little boys forehead, encasing his soft cheeks in his larger and rougher hands. "You don't have to be scared about telling us anything, Izuku. We're here to listen, am I understood?"

Izuku nodded, hand tightly clenched on his dads sleeve. He turned to his mom, giving her a tight hug too.

Hisashi excused himself as his precious people got ready for bed. He stepped out of the apartment, hands hidden in his pocket, expression hooded as he clenched his teeth.

He opened his car, stepping in before pulling his business phone from the dash board. He dialed a phone number, waiting impatiently for the person to pick up, finger tapping on the steering wheel.


"Hello?! What do you want?" The man on the other line seemed to just pick up his phone and answered without seeing who it is he's talking to, "Do you know what time it is? Its about to be 12 in the fucking morni-"

Hisashi sighed, hand gripping the wheel, "Silence.."

The man shuts up, gasping before scrambling to apologize, "M-master, I'm so sorry. I didn't look at the call ID, I'm-"

"I need you to find some people for me." He gritted his teeth again, seething at the reminder of what those bastards did to his son.

If he hadn't been disfigured he would have been there for his son, his family. Tenko would have been with them too. Fucking yellow haired nuisance.

"R-right away, boss." Shuffling of papers could be heard in the other line, assuming the man had gotten something to write what he wanted to be done.

"Find evidence against Aldera Junior High, for poor treatment towards quirkless students, as well as student bullying. Give me video tapes from the cctvs and private phones of students, surely they would have videos about those that are lower than them as the only accomplishment they would have after I'm done with them." Hisashi smiled, a kind of smile that means he's planning something big.

"Send them to me along with information about those that did bully other students for being quirkless." Especially his sons bullies.

"Y-yes, sir. I'll start on it right away.." The man gulped surely the school wouldn't survive.

"Good," Hisashi smiled wide, a murderous glint passing by his expression, "You'll be rewarded generously, it depends on how good the files you'll send me, of course."

"I'll do good, I p-promise boss."

"All right, I sure do hope you would." Because I'll have fun destroying the living nightmare of my son.

Hisashi walked in the apartment, flicking off lights on his way to their room. Staring for quite a while at their very first family picture. A black haired four year old Tenko sitting on Hisashi's left, a big happy smile on, as his gloved hands held a one year old Izuku, plopped on Tenko's lap, with a few tooth present in his wide smile. Inko sat right beside Tenko, smiling warmly at the camera

Hisashi chuckled at their first Halloween together. Hisashi was dressed as Count Dracula, Inko as his very beautiful vampire wife and Tenko dressed like a prince, still as a vampire, while Izuku was dressed as a bat. Which the freckled two year old insisted and cried for. Tenko was missing a a front tooth at the picture, while Izuku's teeth was still small and some have chocolate sticking to it. Chubby hands held chocolates.

He shook his head at the fond memories, smiling softly as he flicked the last light off. He walked silently up the stairs, carefully opening the door and walking in. Looking fondly at his precious person's asleep on the quite large bed.

He slid in his side, carefully placing his sons head on his chest. His wife getting up and walking to his other side, while he wrapped his arm around her.

She cried a little, whispering, "I didn't know," she muffled her sniffle, "He could have done it, Hisashi, we would have lost our son."

"He didn't, and we're thankful for that." He whispered back, placing a kiss on her forehead, "We'll help him, keep him from going to our most feared situation, taking his own life."

He stared off into the dark, eyes glowing, the two none the wiser at the sudden change, "We'll be here, I'm not leaving anytime soon."

She nodded, staring at her sons peaceful expression as he slept soundly. "We'll be here."

|| This one is shorter than I would have liked but they need sleep (I sound silly) so I'll stop here. Anyway, Thank you for reading!

Stay hydrated and eat lots.

Have a good day, noon, afternoon, or night! ||

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